Paul Bogaards

List of John Benjamins publications for which Paul Bogaards plays a role.


Subjects Language acquisition | Language teaching
Bogaards, Paul and Batia Laufer 2004 IntroductionVocabulary in a Second Language: Selection, acquisition, and testing, Bogaards, Paul and Batia Laufer (eds.), pp. vii–xiv | Miscellaneous
Greidanus, Tine, Paul Bogaards, Elisabeth van der Linden, Lydius Nienhuis and Tom de Wolf 2004 10. The construction and validation of a deep word knowledge test for advanced learners of FrenchVocabulary in a Second Language: Selection, acquisition, and testing, Bogaards, Paul and Batia Laufer (eds.), pp. 191–208 | Chapter
Bogaards, Paul 2003 1.3 Uses and users of dictionariesA Practical Guide to Lexicography, Sterkenburg, Piet van (ed.), pp. 26–33 | Chapter
Bogaards, Paul, Elisabeth Van Der Linden and Lydius Nienhuis 2003 Translating ambiguous and nonambiguous Words in a foreign LanguageITL - International Journal of Applied Linguistics 139/140, pp. 129–152 | Article
The research to be reported on in this paper was originally motivated by the finding that about 70% of the mistakes made by university students when translating from their mother tongue (Dutch) into their foreign language (French) were lexical in nature (NIENHUIS et al. 1989). This was partially… read more
Linden, Elisabeth van der, Paul Bogaards, Tine Greidanus, Lydius Nienhuis en Tom de Wolf 2001 Diepe Woordkennis als Maat Voor Algemene Taalvaardigheid?Onderzoek ontmoet onderwijs 2, pp. 69–77 | Article
This paper describes an investigation into the relation between the results of a newly developed test of deep word knowledge (DWK) and a series of other word knowledge tests as well as a writing task. The DWK consists of 63 items constructed along the following model: one stimulus plus 6 responses. read more
Nienhuis, Lydius, Paul Bogaards, Tine Greidanus, Elisabeth van der Linden en Tom de Wolf 2000 Het Toetsen van Diepe Woordkennis in een Vreemde TaalOnderzoek ontmoet onderwijs, pp. 107–115 | Article
In this article, we report on the construction of a test of deep word knowledge in French as a second language that can be used at advanced levels of proficiency. By 'deep word knowledge' we mean the knowledge of the semantic network of L2-words; our test focuses on the knowledge of the relations… read more
Bogaards, Paul, Elisabeth van der Linden, Tom de Wolf en Lydius Nienhuis 1994 Polysemie En Vertaling In Een Vreemde Taal: Een Experimenteel OnderzoekToegepaste Taalwetenschap in Artikelen 50, pp. 145–156 | Article
In this article we address the question whether polysemous words are more difficult to translate than monosemous words. If the two different meanings of a polysemous word have to be translated by two different words in the target language, the translator wil have to select the right one. We… read more
Bogaards, Paul 1991 Lexicon En GrammaticaTTW: De nieuwe generatie, pp. 7–20 | Article
The distinction between lexicon and grammar has long been seen as one between loose elements and rules, between building blocks and building principles. For that reason the lexicon was considered as scientifically less interesting. In the last few years however, the idea has grown that the lexicon… read more
Bogaards, Paul 1989 Lexicon, Statistiek en TalenonderwijsLexicon en taalverwerving, pp. 58–66 | Article
The description of language is in a sense just like statistics: on the basis of a sample the linguist wants to get an idea of the language as a whole. However, statistical procedures can only be used with units which are in a significant way interchangeable. This article attempts to define the… read more
Nienhuis, LJ.A., Paul Bogaards, E. v.d. Linden, M.v. Willigen en T. de Wolf 1989 De Vertaling als Schrijfvaardigheidstoets Voor Gevorderden: Tekstkeuze en BeoordelingsproblematiekToegepaste Taalwetenschap in Artikelen 35, pp. 83–88 | Article
In European universities, translation from native to target language continues to be a commonly used testing tool in programs of modern language writing proficiency. The selection of native language texts that are used as source texts in the translation test and especially the question of… read more
Dictionaries should be designed with a special set of users in mind and for their specific needs". This claim has been made for at least 25 years, but the information gathered in this period about dictionary users is very scant. More is said in the lexi-cographical literature about what dictionary… read more
In his dissertation Bogaards (1982) developed a model of the relations between the factors that affect the success in learning French as a foreign language. This article reports on the results of a replication investigation in four forms of two Dutch schools, employing the pad-analysis, the… read more
In the present article the author tries to define the notion of "strategy", with respect to related notions like "approach" plan and process. "Approach" must be seen as a relatively large category, that is linked with personality and acts upon the choice of "plans". Plan is seen as opposed to… read more
Bogaards, Paul en Tom Duijkers 1983 Nadere Onderzoekingen Naar De Taal Attitude SchaalToegepaste Taalwetenschap in Artikelen 17, pp. 132–150 | Article
Bogaards, Paul en Vakgroep Frans Rul 1983 Een Vademecum Voor M.V.T.-DocentenToegepaste Taalwetenschap in Artikelen 17, pp. 215–219 | Article
Bogaards, Paul 1981 Modellen Van T2-VerwervingToegepaste Taalwetenschap in Artikelen 10, pp. 71–90 | Article
A model is a system of which the structure is known and which provides information through isomorphism about a system of which the structure is not known. In (applied) linguistics a model is often not more than a theory in the form of a diagram, but constructing a model is useful especially when… read more