Aline Remael

List of John Benjamins publications for which Aline Remael plays a role.

Remael, Aline, Nina Reviers and Reinhild Vandekerckhove 2018 From Translation Studies and audiovisual translation to media accessibility: Some research trendsAudiovisual Translation: Theoretical and methodological challenges, Gambier, Yves and Sara Ramos Pinto (eds.), pp. 65–78 | Chapter
Remael, Aline, Nina Reviers and Reinhild Vandekerckhove 2016 From Translation Studies and audiovisual translation to media accessibility: Some research trendsAudiovisual Translation: Theoretical and methodological challenges, Gambier, Yves and Sara Ramos Pinto (eds.), pp. 248–260 | Article
Recent developments in Translation Studies and translation practice have not only led to a profusion of approaches, but also to the development of new text forms and translation modes. Media Accessibility, particularly audio description (AD) and subtitling for the deaf and hard-of-hearing (SDH),… read more
Vercauteren, Gert and Aline Remael 2014 Chapter 4. Spatio-temporal settingAudio Description: New perspectives illustrated, Maszerowska, Anna, Anna Matamala and Pilar Orero (eds.), pp. 61–80 | Chapter
Remael, Aline 2012 Cintas, Díaz Jorge & Gunilla Anderman, eds. 2009. Audiovisual Translation. Language Transfer on ScreenThe Known Unknowns of Translation Studies, Brems, Elke, Reine Meylaerts and Luc van Doorslaer (eds.), pp. 141–145 | Review
Remael, Aline 2012 Media accessibilityHandbook of Translation Studies: Volume 3, Gambier, Yves and Luc van Doorslaer (eds.), pp. 95–101 | Article
Remael, Aline 2010 Audiovisual translationHandbook of Translation Studies: Volume 1, Gambier, Yves and Luc van Doorslaer (eds.), pp. 12–17 | Article
Vandekerckhove, Reinhild, Annick De Houwer and Aline Remael 2009 Between language policy and linguistic reality: Intralingual subtitling on Flemish televisionPragmatics 19:4, pp. 609–628 | Article
This paper focuses on a relatively new and much discussed phenomenon on Flemish television: The practice of intralingual subtitling of Dutch, i.e. Dutch subtitling of native speakers of (varieties of) Dutch. Our study investigates the linguistic determinants of intralingual subtitling and… read more
Remael, Aline 2004 A place for film dialogue analysis in subtitling coursesTopics in Audiovisual Translation, Orero, Pilar (ed.), pp. 103–126 | Article
Remael, Aline 2001 Ivarsson, Jan & Mary Carroll. 1998. SubtitlingTarget 13:2, pp. 354–357 | Review
Remael, Aline 2001 Some Thoughts on the Study of Multimodal and Multimedia Translation(Multi) Media Translation: Concepts, practices, and research, Gambier, Yves and Henrik Gottlieb (eds.), pp. 13–22 | Article