Eric J. Reuland

List of John Benjamins publications for which Eric J. Reuland plays a role.


Argument Structure

Edited by Eric J. Reuland, Tanmoy Bhattacharya and Giorgos Spathas

[Linguistik Aktuell/Linguistics Today, 108] 2007. xviii, 243 pp.
Subjects Generative linguistics | Syntax | Theoretical linguistics
Subjects Generative linguistics | Syntax
Đoàn, Quý Ngọc Thị, Martin B.H. Everaert and Eric J. Reuland 2019 Chapter 8. (In)definiteness of Vietnamese noun phrasesInterdisciplinary Perspectives on Vietnamese Linguistics, Duffield, Nigel, Trang Phan and Tue Trinh (eds.), pp. 155–180 | Chapter
In this contribution we discuss the factors determining the definite or indefinite interpretation of Noun Phrases in Vietnamese. In contrast to what has been claimed in the literature, we find that NPs consisting of a bare noun and NPs consisting of a numeral, a classifier (cl) and a noun, while… read more
This contribution starts with an overview of current issues in the theory of binding. It sketches a modular approach based on universal principles (entailing that reflexivity must be licensed), and that yet is able to account for the cross-linguistic variation observed. It subsequently addresses… read more
Marelj, Marijana and Eric J. Reuland 2013 Clitic SE in Romance and Slavonic revisitedCurrent Studies in Slavic Linguistics, Kor Chahine, Irina (ed.), pp. 75–88 | Article
In Slavonic and Romance languages there is a range of constructions that feature what is referred to as the “the reflexive clitic” se/si/się. Adhering to the law of parsimony, we propose a unified analysis of the clitic across different reflexive-like and passive-like constructions. We put forth… read more
Reuland, Eric J. 2010 The universality of binding principles: How appearances are deceptiveStructure Preserved: Studies in syntax for Jan Koster, Zwart, C. Jan-Wouter and Mark de Vries (eds.), pp. 277–288 | Article
Reuland, Eric J. 2010 Minimal versus not so minimal pronouns: Feature transmission, feature deletion, and the role of economy in the language systemThe Linguistics Enterprise: From knowledge of language to knowledge in linguistics, Everaert, Martin B.H., Tom Lentz, Hannah N.M. De Mulder, Øystein Nilsen and Arjen Zondervan (eds.), pp. 257–282 | Article
In this article I start out from Kratzer’s (2006) observation that a bound variable interpretation of German 1st and 2nd person (possessive) pronouns shows locality effects. I show how the approach based on syntactic chain formation developed in Reuland (2001, 2005a) resolves a general empirical… read more
Reuland, Eric J. 2007 Perspectives on BindingLinguistic Theory and South Asian Languages: Essays in honour of K. A. Jayaseelan, Bayer, Josef, Tanmoy Bhattacharya and M.T. Hany Babu (eds.), pp. 127–142 | Article
In this article I address the question as to why natural language has special principles governing the binding of pronouns and anaphors and the licensing of reflexive predicates. That is, why do we have principles such as conditions A, and B of the binding theory? Based on facts from Malayalam… read more
Reuland, Eric J. and Sergey Avrutin 2005 Binding and Beyond: Issues in Backward AnaphoraAnaphora Processing: Linguistic, cognitive and computational modelling, Branco, António, Tony McEnery and Ruslan Mitkov (eds.), pp. 139–162 | Article
Reuland, Eric J. 2000 Explaining Burzio’s Generalization: Exploring the issuesArguments and Case: Explaining Burzio’s Generalization, Reuland, Eric J. (ed.), pp. 1–10 | Article
Reuland, Eric J. 2000 The fine structure of grammar: Anaphoric relationsReflexives: Forms and functions, Frajzyngier, Zygmunt and Traci Walker (eds.), pp. 1–40 | Article
Reuland, Eric J. and Wim Kosmeijer 1993 Projecting Inflecting VerbsThe Parametrization of Universal Grammar, Fanselow, Gisbert (ed.), pp. 37–72 | Article