Jan Rijkhoff
List of John Benjamins publications for which Jan Rijkhoff plays a role.
Modification as a propositional act Theory and Practice in Functional-Cognitive Space, Gómez González, María de los Ángeles, Francisco José Ruiz de Mendoza Ibáñez and Francisco Gonzálvez-García (eds.), pp. 129–150 | Article
2014 A complete functional theory of grammar should be able to specify the communicative
function of each constituent in a sentence (or rather ‘Discourse
Act’). Whereas predicating and referring have been given due attention
in functional approaches to grammar, the modifying function of… read more
On flexible and rigid nouns Parts of Speech: Empirical and theoretical advances, Ansaldo, Umberto, Jan Don and Roland Pfau (eds.), pp. 227–252 | Article
2010 Synchronic and diachronic evidence for parallels between noun phrases and sentences Interdependence of Diachronic and Synchronic Analyses, Josephson, Folke and Ingmar Söhrman (eds.), pp. 13–42 | Article
2008 It has been shown that, up to a point, noun phrases and clauses have the same underlying structure: they share the same kind of ‘layered’ organization and accommodate the same kind of semantic modifier categories (Rijkhoff 2008a). This article presents synchronic and diachronic evidence to… read more
On flexible and rigid nouns Parts of Speech: Descriptive tools, theoretical constructs, Ansaldo, Umberto, Jan Don and Roland Pfau (eds.), pp. 727–752 | Article
2008 This article argues that in addition to the major flexible lexical categories in Hengeveld’s classification of parts-of-speech systems (Contentive, Non-Verb, Modifier), there are also flexible word classes within the rigid lexical category Noun (Set Noun, Sort Noun, General Noun). Members of… read more
On the interaction of Linguistic Typology and Functional Grammar The Interaction of Data, Description, and Theory in Linguistics: Functional perspectives, McGregor, William B. (ed.), pp. 209–237 | Article
2003 Research conducted within the wider theoretical framework of Dik’s Functional Grammar has resulted in important contributions to linguistic typology, and, vice versa, empirical facts from a wide variety of languages have significantly improved the theory of Functional Grammar, especially regarding… read more
A Method of Language Sampling Studies in Language 17:1, pp. 169–203 | Article
1993 In recent years more attention is being paid to the quality of language samples in typological work. Without an adequate sampling strategy, samples may suffer from various kinds of bias. In this article we propose a sampling method in which the genetic criterion is taken as the most important:… read more
Toward a unified analysis of terms and predications Layers and Levels of Representation in Language Theory: A functional view, Nuyts, Jan, A. Machtelt Bolkestein and Co Vet (eds.), pp. 165–192 | Article
1990 Word Order Universals Revisited: The Principle of Head Proximity Functional Explanations in Linguistics, Bossuyt, Alain (ed.), pp. 95–125 | Article