Tiina Keisanen

List of John Benjamins publications for which Tiina Keisanen plays a role.


Multiactivity in Social Interaction: Beyond multitasking

Edited by Pentti Haddington, Tiina Keisanen, Lorenza Mondada and Maurice Nevile

[Not in series, 187] 2014. vii, 289 pp.
Subjects Cognition and language | Communication Studies | Discourse studies | Industrial & organizational studies | Interaction Studies | Pragmatics
Rauniomaa, Mirka, Tiina Keisanen and Pauliina Siitonen 2021 Shared understandings of the human–nature relationship in encounters with small wildlifeIntersubjectivity in Action: Studies in language and social interaction, Lindström, Jan K., Ritva Laury, Anssi Peräkylä and Marja-Leena Sorjonen (eds.), pp. 201–230 | Chapter
Drawing on video data and ethnomethodological conversation analysis, the study focuses on sequences of human action and interaction in which participants orient to small wildlife within their nature-related activities outdoors. The participants are family members, friends or participants on… read more
Haddington, Pentti, Tiina Keisanen, Lorenza Mondada and Maurice Nevile 2014 Towards multiactivity as a social and interactional phenomenonMultiactivity in Social Interaction: Beyond multitasking, Haddington, Pentti, Tiina Keisanen, Lorenza Mondada and Maurice Nevile (eds.), pp. 3–32 | Article
Multiactivity – the different ways in which two or more activities can be intertwined and made co-relevant in social interaction – is an inseparable element of everyday life. At the same time it is a little understood form of human conduct. This introductory chapter builds on the basis that… read more
Keisanen, Tiina and Elise Kärkkäinen 2014 A multimodal analysis of compliment sequences in everyday English interactionsApproaches to grammar for interactional linguistics, Laury, Ritva, Marja Etelämäki and Elizabeth Couper-Kuhlen (eds.), pp. 649–672 | Article
This study offers a multimodal analysis of turns in everyday English interactions that are used for making compliments, i.e. for positively evaluating the appearance, personal qualities or actions of (a) co-present participant(s) in the present situation. We first identify the most frequent… read more
Keisanen, Tiina, Mirka Rauniomaa and Pentti Haddington 2014 Suspending action: From simultaneous to consecutive ordering of multiple courses of actionMultiactivity in Social Interaction: Beyond multitasking, Haddington, Pentti, Tiina Keisanen, Lorenza Mondada and Maurice Nevile (eds.), pp. 109–134 | Article
This paper examines the interactional management of multiple on-going activities via the use of ‘suspension’. We discuss one practice used in achieving suspension, an action combination where items such as wait or hang on first identify on-going or emerging multiactivity and are followed by talk… read more