Paul T. Roberge

List of John Benjamins publications for which Paul T. Roberge plays a role.



Germanic and its Dialects: A grammar of Proto-Germanic. Volume III: Bibliography and Indices

Compiled by Thomas Markey, R.L. Kyes and Paul T. Roberge

[Not in series, 7] 1977. 525 pp.
Subjects English linguistics | Germanic linguistics | Historical linguistics
Roberge, Paul T. 2024 Lexicalizing vernacular architecture in the Cape Dutch VernacularInvestigating West Germanic Languages: Studies in honor of Robert B. Howell, Hendriks, Jennifer and B. Richard Page (eds.), pp. 131–162 | Chapter
Afrikaans has hybrid compounds that pair Khoekhoe and Dutch roots to denote indigenous flora and cultural items, e.g., ghwarrieboom ‘guarri tree’. Afrikaans hart(e)beeshuis ‘wattle and daub house’ falls within this compound type, even though it looks straightforwardly Dutch hart(e)bees(t)… read more
Besten, Hans den, Carla A. Luijks and Paul T. Roberge 2012 Chapter 11. Reduplication in AfrikaansRoots of Afrikaans: Selected writings of Hans den Besten, Wouden, Ton van der (ed.), pp. 195–220 | Chapter
Roberge, Paul T. 2012 Foundations of a “Sane Creology”Diachronica 29:3, pp. 359–376 | Article
Roberge, Paul T. 2012 Afrikaans: “Might it be a little more ‘South Africa’?”Roots of Afrikaans: Selected writings of Hans den Besten, Wouden, Ton van der (ed.), pp. 389–398 | Article
Roberge, Paul T. 2006 On reconstructing a linguistic continuum in Cape Dutch (1710 1840)Variation and Reconstruction, Cravens, Thomas D. (ed.), pp. 179–200 | Article
Roberge, Paul T. 2003 AfrikaansGermanic Standardizations: Past to Present, Deumert, Ana and Wim Vandenbussche (eds.), pp. 15–40 | Article