Marina Bondi

List of John Benjamins publications for which Marina Bondi plays a role.

Book series


ISSN 2210-4119 | E-ISSN 2210-4127


Dialogicity in Framing Environmental Discourse

Edited by Marina Bondi and Judith Turnbull

Special issue of Language and Dialogue 15:1 (2025) v, 201 pp.

Keyness in Texts

Edited by Marina Bondi and Mike Scott

[Studies in Corpus Linguistics, 41] 2010. vi, 251 pp.
Subjects Corpus linguistics | Discourse studies | Lexicography | Pragmatics
Bondi, Marina and Judith Turnbull 2025 Dialogicity in framing environmental discourseDialogicity in Framing Environmental Discourse, Bondi, Marina and Judith Turnbull (eds.), pp. 1–5 | Introduction
Bondi, Marina and Jessica Jane Nocella 2023 Building trust in the transport sector during the pandemic: A cross-cultural analysis(Inter)Cultural Dialogues, Săftoiu, Răzvan (ed.), pp. 309–335 | Article
This paper looks at cross-cultural variation in corporate communication over the pandemic, focusing on the language adopted by rail companies in the UK and Italy to enhance trust in safety and highlighting how they engage in communicative action with potential passengers and other online users.… read more
Bondi, Marina and Jessica Jane Nocella 2023 Variations of polyphony in blogs: The case of the Slow Art Day blogLanguage and Dialogue 13:1, pp. 103–122 | Article
This paper looks at dialogicity in the Slow Art Day blog and focuses on the way the representation of participants encodes the complexity of the communicative action through a polyphony of textual voices. By focusing on posts from the pandemic years (2020 and 2021), and contrasting them with the… read more
Bondi, Marina and Leonardo Sanna 2022 Chapter 7. Exploring the echo chamber concept: A linguistic perspectiveConspiracy Theory Discourses, Demata, Massimiliano, Virginia Zorzi and Angela Zottola (eds.), pp. 143–168 | Chapter
Echo chambers have often been analyzed in social media studies as dysfunctions of communication fostering the polarization of debates and the spreading of conspiracy theories. On the other hand, from a linguistic perspective, very little research has been conducted on these themes. Our work aims… read more
Bondi, Marina 2018 Dialogicity in written language use: Variation across expert action gamesFrom Pragmatics to Dialogue, Weigand, Edda and István Kecskés (eds.), pp. 137–170 | Chapter
The chapter looks at dialogicity in written language use, focusing on how expert knowledge is recontextualized in different action games. Using a corpus of journal articles, newspaper columns and blog posts by the same author (Paul Krugman), the analysis centres on: (a) participants (the expert… read more
Bondi, Marina 2018 Blogs as interwoven polylogues: The dialogic action gameIntegrating dialogue, Săftoiu, Răzvan and Adrian Pablé (eds.), pp. 43–65 | Article
This paper looks at blogs as dialogic action games characterized by specific communicative purposes and corresponding language use, as described in the MGM. The assumption is that web-mediated communication is particularly apt to developing simultaneous conversations within and without the… read more
Bondi, Marina and Annalisa Sezzi 2018 ‘Come what come may, Time, and the Houre, runs through the roughest Day’: Temporal phraseology and the conceptual space of futurity in Macbeth Revisiting Shakespeare's Language, Baicchi, Annalisa, Roberta Facchinetti, Silvia Cacchiani and Antonio Bertacca (eds.), pp. 81–104 | Article
The paper maps the lexico-grammatical resources of the representation of time in Macbeth, looking in particular at the way futurity is portrayed. The study is based on concordance analysis of the top full lexical items in frequency lists and of time-related keywords (generated using the other… read more
Bondi, Marina and Carlotta Borelli 2018 Chapter 10. Publishing in English: ELF writers, textual voices and metadiscourseIntercultural Perspectives on Research Writing, Mur-Dueñas, Pilar and Jolanta Šinkūnienė (eds.), pp. 217–235 | Chapter
In a global academic environment, increasing attention has been paid to the international use of English for publication purposes. The chapter presents a corpus-based study of the differences between authors’ final versions – seen as a case of writing in English as Lingua Franca – and published… read more
Company disclosures are often looked at as narrative rather than argumentative or directive texts. And yet “irrealis” statements – references to future or hypothetical processes – do play a role and contribute greatly to the construction of corporate identity. Combining a corpus and a discourse… read more
Bondi, Marina 2015 Chapter 7. Probably most important of all: Importance markers in academic and popular history articlesCorpora, Grammar and Discourse: In honour of Susan Hunston, Groom, Nicholas, Maggie Charles and Suganthi John (eds.), pp. 161–182 | Article
Evaluations of importance are central to the nature of academic discourse, with its need to establish and share disciplinary knowledge. This study shows how importance markers help guide the reader in recognising coherence relations, while reflecting the value system of the community. Using corpora… read more
Museums have become fully active cultural agents, pursuing educational aims but also trying to attract the largest number of visitors. Exhibition press announcements (EPAs) issued by museums reflect this tendency and address journalists as if they were ‘customers’ in a very competitive market.… read more
Bondi, Marina 2010 Perspectives on keywords and keyness: An introductionKeyness in Texts, Bondi, Marina and Mike Scott (eds.), pp. 1–18 | Article
The study presented in this paper is based on an analysis of openings of historical research articles in English and in Italian and uses openings in economics research articles for disciplinary comparison. The paper starts by outlining some basic assumptions of this “double” cross-cultural… read more
The role played by mitigation in academic discourse has been widely debated in the literature, but little attention has been paid to emphatics, expressions used to intensify the degree of certainty of an utterance and to increase its illocutionary force. Focusing on the use of adverbs in journal… read more
Bondi, Marina 2004 The Discourse Function of Contrastive Connectors in Academic AbstractsDiscourse Patterns in Spoken and Written Corpora, Aijmer, Karin and Anna-Brita Stenström (eds.), pp. 139–156 | Article
Bondi, Marina 2001 6. Small corpora and language variation: Reflexivity across genresSmall Corpus Studies and ELT: Theory and practice, Ghadessy, Mohsen, Alex Henry and Robert L. Roseberry (eds.), pp. 135–174 | Article