Peppina Po-lun Lee

List of John Benjamins publications for which Peppina Po-lun Lee plays a role.


Lee, Peppina Po-lun 2019 Chapter 9. Focus, negation and event quantification in Chinese: How focus helps shape negation in natural languageInterfaces in Grammar, Hu, Jianhua and Haihua Pan (eds.), pp. 245–282 | Chapter
Chinese negators, bu and mei, translated as “not” in English, are assumed to be focus-sensitive indiscriminately. In this paper, I argue that unlike bu, mei does not lexically encode a dependency on the placement of focus, due to the failure of semantic focus to override its syntactic constraint. read more
This study investigates the functions of the perfective marker -le and its acquisition by native speakers of American English from the perspective of the Aspect Hypothesis (Andersen and Shirai, 1994). We set out to test the predicted order regarding four verb categories in terms of their… read more