Theo Bongaerts
List of John Benjamins publications for which Theo Bongaerts plays a role.
Perspectives on Foreign Language Policy: Studies in honor of Theo van Els
Edited by Theo Bongaerts and Kees de Bot
[Not in series, 81] 1997. viii, 224 pp.
Subjects Applied linguistics | Language teaching
Native-like attainment in L2 syntax EUROSLA Yearbook: Volume 3 (2003), Foster-Cohen, Susan H. and Simona Pekarek Doehler (eds.), pp. 157–181 | Article
2003 In this study, we test the prediction, derived from the Critical Period Hypothesis, that a native-level of attainment in L2 grammar cannot be reached by learners who start acquiring a second language after the onset of puberty. We selected 30 very advanced German and French late learners (age of… read more
Rapportage Presentaties in Thema: 'Taalverwerving' Toegepaste taalwetenschap in discussie, pp. 163–165 | Article
1998 Self-Repair in L1 and L2 Production: an Overview ITL - International Journal of Applied Linguistics 117/118, pp. 85–115 | Article
1997 In this article we will give an overview of the findings of L1 and L2 self-repair studies to date. A comparison between L1 and L2 self-repair research shows that, while L1 studies are firmly based in theory, most L2 studies are not. In order to contribute to theories and models of L2 production… read more
Preface EUROSLA 6: A selection of papers, p. | Article
1996 Verb Placement in L2 Dutch: A Double Case Study Toegepaste Taalwetenschap in Artikelen 53, pp. 159–170 | Article
1995 In this paper we report on the acquisition of verb placement in L2 Dutch by one Moroccan and one Turkish subject. The data originate from a three-year lon-gitudinal research project on spontaneous second language acquisition by adult immigrants which was financed by the European Science Foundation.… read more
Niet-Intentioneel Gebruik van de Eerste Taal in Mondelinge Tweede-Taalproduktie Taalproduktie, pp. 19–29 | Article
1994 The results are presented of a study of unintentional switches to the L1 in L2 speech production, and the relevance of the findings for current views on bilingual speech production is discussed. The data for the study are 771 unintentional switches to Dutch at the word level in a 140,000 word… read more
Preface Balance & perspective: 25 years of Dutch Applied Linguistics, pp. 3–4 | Article
1990 A View From L.A. Toegepaste Taalwetenschap in Artikelen 23, pp. 119–129 | Article
Behoeften Aan Vreemde Talen en Vreemde-Talenonderwijsbeleid Taalpolitieke kwesties in Nederland: 24 maart 1979 in Eindhoven, pp. 63–82 | Article
1979 Before 1968 foreign language teaching in non-vocational schools in the Netherlands presented a relatively simple and stable picture: French, German and English were compulsory subjects for all pupils and all pupils were examined in these subjects. Since then the situation has changed drastically.… read more