Háj Ross
List of John Benjamins publications for which Háj Ross plays a role.
The Bashō code: Metaphor and diagram in two haiku about silence Iconic Investigations, Elleström, Lars, Olga Fischer and Christina Ljungberg (eds.), pp. 25–42 | Article
2013 “Haiku shows us what we knew all the time, but did not know we knew;
it shows us that we are poets in so far as we live at all.
R. H. Blyth in Haiku (1952)This paper looks at the rhetorical structure of the two haiku texts by Bashō, which display formal and semantic similarities. After giving a… read more
An automodular perspective on the frozenness of pseudoclefts, and vice versa Pragmatics and Autolexical Grammar: In honor of Jerry Sadock, Yuasa, Etsuyo, Tista Bagchi and Katharine Beals (eds.), pp. 243–260 | Article
2011 This paper is a try at building a bridge between a vexing topic – the architecture of emphatic sentences in English (and by induction, of all languages) – and the automodular theory of our old pal Jerry Sadock, a theory which I understand way too little of. I beg forbearance at the outset for my… read more
The Syntax of Emphasis — A Base Camp Lexique, Syntaxe et Lexique-Grammaire / Syntax, Lexis & Lexicon-Grammar: Papers in honour of Maurice Gross, Leclère, Christian, Éric Laporte, Mireille Piot and Max Silberztein (eds.), pp. 547–559 | Article
2004 This paper attempts a survey of the major emphatic constructions in English, and of the processes which derive them from a proposed bisentential source. The source for a garden-variety pseudocleft sentence like What Jeb hankers for is a smooth transition is argued to be What Jeb hankers for is he… read more
A first crosslinguistic look at paths: The difference between end-legs and medial ones The Current State of Interlanguage: Studies in honor of William E. Rutherford, Eubank, Lynn, Larry Selinker and Michael Sharwood Smith (eds.), pp. 273–286 | Article