Joana Rosselló Ximenes
List of John Benjamins publications for which Joana Rosselló Ximenes plays a role.
The centrality of speech for human thought Biolinguistic Investigations on the Language Faculty, Di Sciullo, Anna Maria (ed.), pp. 55–78 | Article
2016 Speech is not language. But without speech/sign there would be neither language nor mostly human thought. A divide between an internal wordless system and an external instrumental one for speech/sign is conceptually and empirically problematic; and evolutionarily costly. Such a divide is however… read more
On sloppy readings, ellipsis and pronouns: Missing arguments in Catalan Sign Language (LSC) and other argument-drop languages Information Structure and Agreement, Camacho-Taboada, Victoria, Ángel L. Jiménez-Fernández, Javier Martín-González and Mariano Reyes-Tejedor (eds.), pp. 337–370 | Article
2013 The existing syntactic accounts of null arguments typically rely either on the specific licensing conditions for different types of empty categories such as pro and (topic-)bound variables, or else on different kinds of ellipsis. In trying to address the radical argument drop character of Catalan… read more