Jean Royauté

List of John Benjamins publications for which Jean Royauté plays a role.

Ville-Ometz, Fabienne, Jean Royauté and Alain Zasadzinski 2007 Enhancing in automatic recognition and extraction of term variants with linguistic featuresTerminology 13:1, pp. 35–59 | Article
The recognition and extraction of terms and their variants in texts are crucial processes in text mining. We use the ILC platform, an automatic controlled indexing platform, to perform these linguistic processes. We present a methodology for enhancing the recognition of syntactic term variation in… read more
Royauté, Jean et Paul Sabatier 2006 Contraintes d’ordre dans les groupes nominaux prédicatifsOrdre des mots et topologie de la phrase française, Gerdes, Kim et Claude Muller (dir.), pp. 163–171 | Article
In this paper we try to explicit the specific and non specific constraints that govern the order of the constituents in French predicative noun phrases and compare them with those that govern the constituents of associated verbal clauses. read more
Pasero, Robert, Jean Royauté et Paul Sabatier 2004 Sur la syntaxe et la sémantique des groupes nominaux à tête prédicativeLingvisticæ Investigationes 27:1, pp. 83–124 | Article
Summary This paper deals with syntax and semantics of french predicative noun phrases, i.e noun phrases whose head is a predicative noun. A predicative noun is a noun that can be derived from a verb (construction) or an adjective (difficulté) or is a noun that occurs in support verb constructions… read more
Daille, Béatrice, Benoît Habert, Christian Jacquemin and Jean Royauté 1996 Empirical observation of term variations and principles for their descriptionTerminology 3:2, pp. 197–257 | Article
Terms are often supposed not to be prone to variation. Empirical observation of terms in various corpora (telecommunication, physics, medicine) shows, on the contrary, the quantitative and qualitative importance of term variation. We give a precise linguistic description of the rules relating to… read more