Mette Rudvin
List of John Benjamins publications for which Mette Rudvin plays a role.
13. Migration, ideology and the interpreter-mediator: The role of the language mediator in education and medical settings in Italy Crossing Borders in Community Interpreting: Definitions and dilemmas, Valero Garcés, Carmen and Anne Martin (eds.), pp. 245–266 | Article
2008 This paper examines the role of language mediators in the education and health sectors in Italy. In the Italian tradition ‘language mediation’ and ‘intercultural mediation’ are terms commonly used to describe a profession that include, but do not totally overlap with, ‘community interpreting’. We… read more
Professionalism and ethics in community interpreting: The impact of individualist versus collective group identity Interpreting 9:1, pp. 47–69 | Article
2007 This paper focuses on the relationship between professionalism and cultural constructions of selfhood, in particular the differences between group-based and individual-based identity-building processes. The underlying assumption is that the interpreter’s cultural parameters affect his/her view of… read more
Negotiating linguistic and cultural identities in interpreter-mediated communication for public health services Sociocultural Aspects of Translating and Interpreting, Pym, Anthony, Miriam Shlesinger † and Zuzana Jettmarová (eds.), pp. 173–190 | Article
2006 This paper explores ways in which identities are negotiated (linguistically, culturally, institutionally, ethnically) in interpreter-mediated communication for public services with particular emphasis on medical interpreting. Given that cultural/ethnic identity is made manifest in language,… read more
Review of Brunette, Bastin, Hemlin & Clarke (2003): The critical link 3: Interpreters in the community. Selected papers from the Third International Conference on Interpreting in Legal, Health and Social Service Settings, Montréal, Québec, Canada 22-26 May 2001 Interpreting 6:2, pp. 238–242 | Review
2004 Cross-cultural dynamics in community interpreting. Troubleshooting Claims, Changes and Challenges in Translation Studies: Selected contributions from the EST Congress, Copenhagen 2001, Hansen, Gyde, Kirsten Malmkjær and Daniel Gile (eds.), pp. 271–283 | Article