Mariachiara Russo
List of John Benjamins publications for which Mariachiara Russo plays a role.
Corpus-based interpreting studies Handbook of Translation Studies: Volume 5, Gambier, Yves and Luc van Doorslaer (eds.), pp. 31–36 | Chapter
2021 Preface Teaching and practising interpreting: From traditional to new remote approaches, Rodríguez Reina, Pilar and Estefanía Flores Acuña (eds.), pp. 109–113 | To be specified
2020 Testing aptitude for interpreting: The predictive value of oral paraphrasing, with synonyms and coherence as assessment parameters Interpreting 16:1, pp. 1–18 | Article
2014 This longitudinal study on the predictive value of ‘simultaneous’ Italian-to-Italian oral paraphrasing as an aptitude test for interpreting was conducted on 64 conference interpreting students at the University of Bologna (Forlì). All students completed their course with Italian as their ‘A’… read more
Testing aptitude for interpreting: The predictive value of oral paraphrasing, with synonyms and coherence as assessment parameters Aptitude for Interpreting, Pöchhacker, Franz and Minhua Liu (eds.), pp. 129–145 | Article
2014 This longitudinal study on the predictive value of ‘simultaneous’ Italian-to-Italian oral paraphrasing as an aptitude test for interpreting was conducted on 64 conference interpreting students at the University of Bologna (Forlì). All students completed their course with Italian as their ‘A’… read more
Aptitude testing over the years Aptitude for Interpreting, Pöchhacker, Franz and Minhua Liu (eds.), pp. 7–31 | Article
2014 In the present paper I review the existing literature on aptitude testing with a view to highlighting the main emerging themes: which qualities indicate an aptitude in a prospective interpreter, how these qualities may be measured and which types of test should be administered, the issue of valid… read more
Aptitude testing over the years Aptitude for Interpreting, Shlesinger, Miriam † and Franz Pöchhacker (eds.), pp. 5–30 | Article
2011 In the present paper I review the existing literature on aptitude testing with a view to highlighting the main emerging themes: which qualities indicate an aptitude in a prospective interpreter, how these qualities may be measured and which types of test should be administered, the issue of valid… read more
Simultaneous interpreting Handbook of Translation Studies: Volume 1, Gambier, Yves and Luc van Doorslaer (eds.), pp. 333–336 | Article
2010 Looking for Lexical Patterns in a Trilingual Corpus of Source and Interpreted Speeches: Extended analysis of EPIC (European Parliament Interpreting Corpus) FORUM 4:1, pp. 221–254 | Article
2006 Abstract/Résumé
Cet article concerne une importante recherche menée sur le corpus EPIC (European Parliament Interpreting Corpus), soit un recueil de 9 sous-corpus contenant des transcriptions de discours originaux et les versions correspondantes interprétées en trois langues (anglais, italien et… read more
Simultaneous film interpreting and users’ feedback Interpreting 7:1, pp. 1–26 | Article
2005 Simultaneous film interpreting is a mode of screen language transfer often required of professional interpreters in Italy for international film festivals. The paper briefly discusses similarities and dissimilarities between film interpreting and conference interpreting, subtitling and dubbing. It… read more
Aptitude and Conference Interpretation: A proposal for a testing methodology based on paraphrase Interpreting in the 21st Century: Challenges and opportunities, Garzone, Giuliana and Maurizio Viezzi (eds.), pp. 245–256 | Article
2002 Interpretation research at the SSLMIT of Trieste: Past, present and future Getting Started in Interpreting Research: Methodological reflections, personal accounts and advice for beginners, Gile, Daniel, Helle V. Dam, Friedel Dubslaff, Bodil Martinsen and Anne Schjoldager (eds.), pp. 87–99 | Article