Peter Juul Nielsen

List of John Benjamins publications for which Peter Juul Nielsen plays a role.


Juul Nielsen, Peter and Lars Heltoft 2023 Indexicality across the boundaries of syntax, semantics and pragmatics: The constructional content of the Danish free indirect objectDitransitives in Germanic Languages: Synchronic and diachronic aspects, Zehentner, Eva, Melanie Röthlisberger and Timothy Colleman (eds.), pp. 150–194 | Chapter
In Danish, indirect object (IO) constructions fall into two main classes: (1) the three-argument valence-governed pattern and (2) the free indirect object construction. The free IO is a constructional extension to certain types of monotransitive constructions and verbs; by contrast, the… read more
Juul Nielsen, Peter 2022 The affactive ‘get’ construction in Danish: Afficiaries, agentivity and voiceVariation and Grammaticalization of Verbal Constructions, Czicza, Dániel and Gabriele Diewald (eds.), pp. 78–120 | Article
As in many other Germanic languages, Modern Danish combines the verb få ‘get’ and a semantic main verb in the supine form (the uninflected perfect participle). Three main types of the construction are found: an agentive type typically interpreted as expressing successful intentional action and… read more
Juul Nielsen, Peter 2019 Diachronic morphology, indexical function and a critique of the morphome analysis: The content and expression of Danish forståPerspectives on Language Structure and Language Change: Studies in honor of Henning Andersen, Heltoft, Lars, Iván Igartua, Brian D. Joseph, Kirsten Jeppesen Kragh and Lene Schøsler (eds.), pp. 125–150 | Chapter
With a critical assessment of morphomic morphology (Aronoff 1994, Maiden 2008) as point of departure, this paper presents an analysis of the structure of the Danish verb forstå ‘understand’ and its development from Early Middle Danish to Modern Danish. Based on a semiotic-functional framework… read more