Luis Sáez
List of John Benjamins publications for which Luis Sáez plays a role.
Chapter 10. On certain distributional gaps of Spanish possessives: A “Phrasal Spell-Out” account Of Grammar, Words, and Verses: In honor of Carlos Piera, Torrego, Esther (ed.), pp. 217–236 | Article
2012 In this paper I focus on the odd distribution of Spanish prepositional possessives inside nominals, and offer an explanation of those facts on the basis of a “Phrasal Spell-Out” approach to lexical insertion (cf. Caha 2009; Fábregas 2007a, 2007b, 2010). The core of the proposal is that certain… read more
Peninsular Spanish pre-nominal possessives in ellipsis contexts: A Phase-based account Romance Linguistics 2010: Selected papers from the 40th Linguistic Symposium on Romance Languages (LSRL), Seattle, Washington, March 2010, Herschensohn, Julia (ed.), pp. 155–176 | Article
2011 Peninsular Spanish pre-nominal possessives and definite articles contrast in ellipsis environments (los/*nuestros ___ rojos “the/our red ones”), yet all these words are unstressed and, therefore, should violate what I call the Stress Condition on Remnants (ellipsis remnants must be stressed). I… read more
Sluicing With Copula Theoretical and Experimental Approaches to Romance Linguistics: Selected papers from the 34th Linguistic Symposium on Romance Languages (LSRL), Salt Lake City, March 2004, Gess, Randall and Edward J. Rubin (eds.), pp. 213–236 | Article