Mario Saltarelli

List of John Benjamins publications for which Mario Saltarelli plays a role.

Saltarelli, Mario 2016 Marsican deixis and the nature of indexical syntaxRomance Linguistics 2013: Selected papers from the 43rd Linguistic Symposium on Romance Languages (LSRL), New York, 17-19 April, 2013, Tortora, Christina, Marcel den Dikken, Ignacio L. Montoya and Teresa O'Neill (eds.), pp. 399–413 | Article
Alcázar, Asier and Mario Saltarelli 2010 In support of a syntactic analysis of double agreement phenomena in SpanishRomance Languages and Linguistic Theory 2008: Selected papers from 'Going Romance' Groningen 2008, Bok-Bennema, Reineke, Brigitte Kampers-Manhe and Bart Hollebrandse (eds.), pp. 1–16 | Article
Compound tenses may display double agreement in non-standard varieties of Spanish. Harris & Halle (2005) present a body of new data for affirmative imperatives, where third person plural -n is reduplicated (once or twice) or switches places with a clitic (metathesis). Kayne (2008) proposes a… read more
Alcázar, Asier and Mario Saltarelli 2007 The quirky case of participial clausesRomance Languages and Linguistic Theory 2005: Selected papers from ‘Going Romance’, Utrecht, 8–10 December 2005, Baauw, Sergio, Frank Drijkoningen and Manuela Pinto (eds.), pp. 1–18 | Article
Adverbial participial clauses exhibit quirky case properties. The internal argument of a transitive verb may bear accusative or nominative morphological case in Romance. Unlike gerundivals, these clauses lack T and v*, among other heads, undermining a standard case licensing approach. We propose… read more
Saltarelli, Mario 2006 A paradigm account of Spanish numberOptimality-Theoretic Studies in Spanish Phonology, Martínez-Gil, Fernando and Sonia Colina (eds.), pp. 339–357 | Article
This paper assumes that an adequate grammar provides a formal characterization of the sound-meaning relation between the morpho-phonological alternants of a lexical constant, such as in the Number paradigm 〈casa,casas〉 ‘house’ of Spanish, as well as in other inflectional languages like Italian… read more
Saltarelli, Mario 2001 The Realization of Number in Italian and SpanishFeatures and Interfaces in Romance: Essays in honor of Heles Contreras, Herschensohn, Julia, Enrique Mallén and Karen Zagona (eds.), pp. 239–254 | Article
Saltarelli, Mario 2000 From Latin Metre to Romance RhythmHistorical Linguistics 1995: Volume 1: General issues and non-Germanic Languages., Smith, John Charles and Delia Bentley (eds.), pp. 345–360 | Article
Saltarelli, Mario 1980 Syntactic diffusionPapers from the Fourth International Conference on Historical Linguistics, Stanford, March 26–30 1979, Traugott, Elizabeth Closs, Rebecca Labrum and Susan C. Shepherd (eds.), pp. 183–191 | Article