William J. Samarin

List of John Benjamins publications for which William J. Samarin plays a role.

Samarin, William J. 2001 Testing hypotheses about African ideophonesIdeophones, Voeltz, F.K. Erhard and Christa Kilian-Hatz (eds.), pp. 321–337 | Article
Samarin, William J. 1986 The Source of Sango's 'BE'Journal of Pidgin and Creole Languages 1:2, pp. 205–223 | Article
The verb 'be' in Pidgin Sango is an innovation, for vernacular Sango has no copula. The development in Sango had important grammatical consequences. It is argued, with data both from Ngbandi and Kituba, that the most likely source of this verb is some form of Kikongo, which went through the… read more
Samarin, William J. 1979 3. Simplification, pidginization and language changeReadings in Creole Studies, Hancock, Ian F. (ed.), pp. 55–68 | Chapter