Jean-Pierre Desclés

List of John Benjamins publications for which Jean-Pierre Desclés plays a role.



Theoretical Aspects of Passivization in the Framework of Applicative Grammar

Jean-Pierre Desclés, Zlatka Guentchéva and Sebastian Shaumyan

[Pragmatics & Beyond, VI:1] 1985. viii, 115 pp.
Subjects Pragmatics | Syntax | Theoretical linguistics
Desclés, Jean-Pierre 2016 A cognitive and conceptual approach to tense and aspect markersAspectuality and Temporality: Descriptive and theoretical issues, Guentchéva, Zlatka (ed.), pp. 27–60 | Article
This article aims to present the most specific concepts of linguistic temporality (aspectuality and temporal relations) called upon seven intricate notions: (i) the construal of enunciative temporal reference frames associated with any dialogic enunciative act; (ii) aspectualization of a… read more
Afzali, Razeq, Jean-Pierre Desclés et Anca Pascu 2001 Approche logique de la déterminationDétermination et Formalisation, Blanco, Xavier, Pierre-André Buvet et Zoé Gavriilidou (dir.), pp. 13–28 | Article
Biskri, Ismail and Jean-Pierre Desclés 1997 Applicative and combinatiry categorical grammar (from syntax to functional semantics)Recent Advances in Natural Language Processing: Selected Papers from RANLP ’95, Mitkov, Ruslan and Nicolas Nicolov (eds.), pp. 71–84 | Article
Desclés, Jean-Pierre and Zlatka Guentchéva 1990 Discourse Analysis of Aorist and Imperfect in Bulgarian and FrenchVerbal Aspect in Discourse, Thelin, Nils B. (ed.), pp. 237–262 | Article
Desclés, Jean-Pierre, Zlatka Guentchéva and Sebastian Shaumyan 1986 Theoretical Analysis of Reflexivization in the Framework of Applicative GrammarLingvisticæ Investigationes 10:1, pp. 1–65 | Miscellaneous
Cintas, Pierre F. and Jean-Pierre Desclés 1984 Formal representations of the French present tensePapers from the XIIth Linguistic Symposium on Romance Languages, University Park, April 1–3, 1982, Baldi, Philip (ed.), pp. 77–92 | Article