Dominiek Sandra

List of John Benjamins publications for which Dominiek Sandra plays a role.



Cognition and Pragmatics

Edited by Dominiek Sandra, Jan-Ola Östman and Jef Verschueren

[Handbook of Pragmatics Highlights, 3] 2009. xvii, 399 pp.
Subjects Cognition and language | Pragmatics
In various English lexical decision tasks (LDTs), bi-/multilinguals have evinced shorter response times (RTs) for cognates (i.e., words with the same meaning in two languages, e.g., the Dutch-English water) and longer RTs for interlingual homographs (IHs; words with distinct meanings in two… read more
Sandra, Dominiek 2022 ExperimentationHandbook of Pragmatics: Manual, Verschueren, Jef and Jan-Ola Östman (eds.), pp. 1578–1617 | Chapter
The present study examines unintentional spelling errors on past participles produced by Flemish teenagers in private online writing. Previous psycholinguistic research on verb spelling errors in Dutch mainly focused on identical homophones (Bosman 2005; Frisson & Sandra 2002; Sandra et al.… read more
We examine unintentional spelling errors on verb homophones in informal online chat conversations of Flemish adolescents. In experiments, these verb forms yielded an effect of homophone dominance, i.e., most errors occurred on the lower-frequency form (Sandra et al., 1999). Verb homophones are… read more
Sandra, Dominiek 2019 Orthography and cognitionHandbook of Pragmatics: 22nd Annual Installment, Östman, Jan-Ola and Jef Verschueren (eds.), pp. 149–180 | Chapter
Tulkens, Stéphan, Dominiek Sandra and Walter Daelemans 2018 Metameric: Interactive Activation at human scaleThe Mental Lexicon 13:3, pp. 333–353 | Article
An oft-cited shortcoming of Interactive Activation as a psychological model of word reading is that it lacks the ability to simultaneously represent words of different lengths. We present an implementation of the Interactive Activation model, which we call Metameric, that can simulate words of… read more
Schraeyen, Kirsten, Astrid Geudens, Pol Ghesquière, Wim Van der Elst and Dominiek Sandra 2017 Poor performance on the retention of phonemes’ serial order in short-term memory reflects young children’s poor reading skillsThe Mental Lexicon 12:1, pp. 129–158 | Article
The present study aimed to identify crucial factors that underlie phonological representations in short-term memory (STM) of third-graders with different literacy skills. For this purpose, we used the Nonword Repetition Task (NRT) to disentangle the processing of phonemes’ identity and their… read more
Verhaert, Nina, Ellen Danckaert and Dominiek Sandra 2016 The dual role of homophone dominance. Why homophone intrusions on regular verb forms so often go unnoticedThe Mental Lexicon 11:1, pp. 1–25 | Article
We investigated whether the effect of Homophone Dominance that has been reported for spelling errors on Dutch verb homophones (Sandra, Frisson, & Daems, 1999) also occurs in perception. This effect was indeed observed: participants in a proofreading experiment overlooked more homophone intrusions… read more
Sandra, Dominiek 2012 Spelling strategies in alphabetic scripts: Insights gained and challenges aheadMethodological and Analytic Frontiers in Lexical Research, Libben, Gary, Gonia Jarema and Chris Westbury (eds.), pp. 307–336 | Article
Sandra, Dominiek 2011 Spelling strategies in alphabetic scripts: Insights gained and challenges aheadMethodological and Analytic Frontiers in Lexical Research (Part II), Jarema, Gonia, Gary Libben and Chris Westbury (eds.), pp. 110–140 | Article
Sandra, Dominiek 2010 PsycholinguisticsHandbook of Pragmatics: 2010 Installment, Östman, Jan-Ola and Jef Verschueren (eds.), pp. 1–98 | Article
Sandra, Dominiek 2009 PsycholinguisticsCognition and Pragmatics, Sandra, Dominiek, Jan-Ola Östman and Jef Verschueren (eds.), pp. 288–368 | Article
Sandra, Dominiek 2009 Perspectives on language and cognition: From empiricism to rationalism and back againCognition and Pragmatics, Sandra, Dominiek, Jan-Ola Östman and Jef Verschueren (eds.), pp. 1–15 | Article
Sandra, Dominiek 2009 ExperimentationCognition and Pragmatics, Sandra, Dominiek, Jan-Ola Östman and Jef Verschueren (eds.), pp. 157–200 | Article
Sandra, Dominiek 2009 ExperimentationHandbook of Pragmatics: 2009 Installment, Östman, Jan-Ola and Jef Verschueren (eds.), pp. 1–55 | Article
Two experiments in which 12-year old children had to spell Dutch inflected verb forms are reported. Both experiments focus on homophone dominance, i.e., the fact that spellers tend to make more intrusion errors on the lower-frequency form than on the higher-frequency one. Homophone-induced errors… read more
We review some of our research findings on verb spelling errors in Dutch. The spelling of Dutch regularly inflected verb forms is governed by rules of the simple concatenative type (stem + suffix). The spelling of a subset of these verb forms is determined by morpheme-based analogy, both at the… read more
Geudens, Astrid and Dominiek Sandra 2002 The role of orthographic onset-rime units in Dutch beginning readersPrecursors of Functional Literacy, Verhoeven, Ludo, Carsten Elbro and Pieter Reitsma (eds.), pp. 49–67 | Article
Brisard, Frank, Gert van Rillaer and Dominiek Sandra 2001 Processing Polysemous, Homonymous, and Vague AdjectivesPolysemy in Cognitive Linguistics: Selected papers from the International Cognitive Linguistics Conference, Amsterdam, 1997, Cuyckens, Hubert and Britta E. Zawada (eds.), pp. 261–284 | Article
Rice, Sally, Dominiek Sandra and Mia Vanrespaille 1999 Prepositional semantics and the fragile link between space and timeCultural, Psychological and Typological Issues in Cognitive Linguistics: Selected papers of the bi-annual ICLA meeting in Albuquerque, July 1995, Hiraga, Masako K., Chris Sinha and Sherman Wilcox (eds.), pp. 107–128 | Article
Sandra, Dominiek 1995 ExperimentationHandbook of Pragmatics: Manual, Verschueren, Jef, Jan-Ola Östman and Jan Blommaert † (eds.), pp. 590–595 | Article
Derived words suggest a very efficient mnemonic when they have to be learnt as items in a foreign language (FL). They could be remembered by tagging in semantic memory the property that is lexicalized by the stem and storing the particular affix. A learning experiment was designed to find out… read more