Gillian Sankoff
List of John Benjamins publications for which Gillian Sankoff plays a role.
A local history of Tok Pisin : Language contact in Papua New Guinea Variation Rolls the Dice: A worldwide collage in honour of Salikoko S. Mufwene, Aboh, Enoch O. and Cécile B. Vigouroux (eds.), pp. 57–80 | Chapter
2021 Research on language contact in Papua New Guinea beginning in the mid 1960s, prior to national independence, revealed linguistic micro-evolution as constrained by society, culture, and people’s relationships “on the ground”. Among speakers of Buang, most men and women under 40 were already fluent… read more
The speech community as a social fact Asia-Pacific Language Variation 1:1, pp. 23–51 | Article
2015 Marrying Durkheim’s definition of the social fact (1895) with Gumperz’ classic framework for studying the speech community (1968), the paper argues that these concepts are crucial to the 21st century sociolinguistic enterprise. It explores the basic dimensions of variation across speech… read more
Roger M. Keesing May 16, 1935 - May 7, 1993 Journal of Pidgin and Creole Languages 9:2, pp. 315–327 | Miscellaneous
1994 Focus in Tok Pisin Focus and Grammatical Relations in Creole Languages: Papers from the University of Chicago Conference on Focus and Grammatical Relations in Creole Languages, Byrne, Francis and Donald Winford (eds.), pp. 117–140 | Article
1993 Using the Future o Explain the Past Development and Structures of Creole Languages: Essays in honor of Derek Bickerton, Byrne, Francis and Thom Huebner (eds.), pp. 61–74 | Article
Determining Noun Phrases in Tok Pisin Journal of Pidgin and Creole Languages 6:1, pp. 1–24 | Article
1991 It is well known that since neither the inflectional morphemes nor most of the closed-class items of the lexifier language survive in pidgins, grammatical distinctions are not obligatorily marked. We thus find a large number of unmodified nouns and verbs. As pidgins are elaborated, processes of… read more