Andra Rumm
List of John Benjamins publications for which Andra Rumm plays a role.
Downtoners and intensifiers in different registers: The case of Estonian (Inter)subjectivity across registers of Estonian: Special issue of the Journal of Uralic Linguistics 3:2 (2024), Metslang, Helle, Tiit Hennoste and Külli Habicht (eds.), pp. 158–185 | Article
2024 The article analyzes the frequency of downtoners and intensifiers in seven Estonian registers based on data from the Estonian Pragmatics Corpus. These particles are most common in instant messaging, followed by institutional interaction, everyday conversation, online comments, printed fiction,… read more
Chapter 7. The division of labor between the particles jah and jaa ‘yes’ as responses to requests for confirmation in Estonian Responding to Polar Questions across Languages and Contexts, Bolden, Galina B., John Heritage and Marja-Leena Sorjonen (eds.), pp. 210–238 | Chapter
2023 This chapter examines the use of the Estonian particles jah and jaa ‘yes’ as responses to positively formulated requests for confirmation in ordinary interaction. We will show what actions these particles perform, in which sequential contexts they are used, and whether they can be interpreted as… read more