Aldo Scaglione

List of John Benjamins publications for which Aldo Scaglione plays a role.


Subjects Romance literature & literary studies

The Liberal Arts and the Jesuit College System

Aldo Scaglione

[Not in series, 26] 1986. vii, 248 pp.
Subjects General studies in art & art history
Subjects Historical linguistics | History of linguistics | Syntax
Scaglione, Aldo 1990 Dante and the Ars GrammaticaDe Ortu Grammaticae: Studies in medieval grammar and linguistic theory in memory of Jan Pinborg, Bursill-Hall, Geoffrey L., Sten Ebbesen and E.F.K. Koerner † (eds.), pp. 305–320 | Article
A close analysis of the Bavarian periodical Parnassus Boicus (1722–1740) discloses several aspects of interest to the linguistic historian. Besides a polemical and proto-nationalistic view of German as a language for heroes, the editors defended, against the French-oriented critical stance à la… read more
Scaglione, Aldo 1983  A History of Semantics. By W. Terrence GordonHistoriographia Linguistica 10:3, pp. 335–339 | Review
In the Prague School, and particularly in its most illustrious representative, Roman Jakobson, two discrete yet somewhat convergent themes of linguistic speculation appear to have come together. First, the notion that word order is a crucial testing ground for observation of the structures of… read more
J. R. Ross’ rule of Complex (or Heavy) NP Shift acquires a further dimension by tracing its background, first through the stylistic-grammatical tradition harking back to Etienne-Simon de Gamaches (1672–1756) and Nicolas Beauzée (1717–89), and then through the linguistic hypotheses of Henri Weil… read more