Charlotte Schapira
List of John Benjamins publications for which Charlotte Schapira plays a role.
La phrase tautologique Lingvisticæ Investigationes 23:2, pp. 269–286 | Article
2000 Summary Taking as the starting point the tautology in logics, the present paper explores the expression of tautology in language. It deals exclusively with tautological phrases constituting complete messages which, according to the definition of tautology, are not supposed to communicate any… read more
La féminisation des noms de métiers dix ans après Tendances Récentes en Linguistique Française et Générale: Volume dédié à David Gaatone, Bat-Zeev Shyldkrot, Hava et Lucien Kupferman (dir.), pp. 383–390 | Article
1995 Le Complément D'agent Introduit Par la Préposition de Lingvisticæ Investigationes 10:1, pp. 153–172 | Miscellaneous
1986 The purpose of this study is to draw attention on a syntactic function somewhat neglected till now in literature: the agent introduced by de in French. A reconsideration of the data led us to a new classification of the verbs admitting such an agent. Some other points (such as the status of this… read more
Mais Entre Deux Adjectifs Lingvisticæ Investigationes 9:1, pp. 97–107 | Article
1985 This is the analysis of a specific use of the French conjunction mais, when situated in an attributive structure, between two adjectives: p mais q —» SN + V {être) + Adj. , mais Adj. As this simple syntactic pattern allows a variety of different possible semantic interpretations, my chief object… read more