William R. Schmalstieg

List of John Benjamins publications for which William R. Schmalstieg plays a role.

Schmalstieg, William R. 2004 Publications 1956–2004Studies in Baltic and Indo-European Linguistics: In honor of William R. Schmalstieg, Baldi, Philip and Pietro U. Dini (eds.), pp. xxiii–xlvi | Miscellaneous
Schmalstieg, William R. 1993 8. Monophthongization as the easing of an articulatory burdenComparative-Historical Linguistics: Indo-European and Finno-Ugric, Brogyanyi, Bela and Reiner Lipp (eds.), pp. 129–138 | Article
Schmalstieg, William R. 1986 Toward a New Paradigm in Indo-European StudiesDiachronica 3:1, pp. 81–96 | Article
Schmalstieg, William R. 1981 Ergatrivity in Indo-EuropeanBono Homini Donum: Essays in Historical Linguistics, in Memory of J. Alexander Kerns. (2 volumes), Arbeitman, Yoël L. and Allan R. Bomhard (eds.), pp. 243–258 | Article