Caroline Schouten-Van Parreren

List of John Benjamins publications for which Caroline Schouten-Van Parreren plays a role.

Schouten-Van Parreren, Caroline 1995 Woordenschatonderwijs en Leren LerenToegepaste Taalwetenschap in Artikelen 53, pp. 11–23 | Article
Vocabulary acquisition is considered to be one of the most important aspects of foreign language learning, but also of L1 and L2 acquisition. Besides obvious differences, the three language acquisition processes show remarkable similarities, particularly regarding word learning strategies. In this… read more
Within the larger framework of a project on Mixed Ability Teaching, a qualitative experiment was carried out with respect to the individual differences between pupils of very different ability ranges, when learning French. This experiment was meant to gain insight into the nature of the differences… read more
Schouten-Van Parreren, Caroline, Heleen de Hondt, Irma van der Neut, Hans de Haan en Jos Beishuizen 1989 Computerondersteuning Bij Voorspellend LezenComputer-ondersteund talenonderwijs, pp. 95–102 | Article
In Model Schools Project West-Netherlands the Free University of Amsterdam (Department of Cognitive Psychology) and the State University of Utrecht (Researchgroup on Mathematics Education and Educational Computer Centre) study the way the computer can be used as an aid in secondary education. In… read more
Schouten-Van Parreren, Caroline 1981 Factoren Die Het Onthouden Van Vreemdtalige Woorden BeinvloedenWoorden in het vreemde-talenonderwijs, pp. 227–245 | Article
In the recent literature on the methodology of foreign language teaching there is a growing consensus that new words should be presented in texts and not in vocabularies. The theoretical background of this assumption is explained through Van Parreren's theory of trace systems in memory. In… read more
Foreign language teaching implies learning an enormous number of words. The learning methods which are commonly used for this purpose, are still far from ideal. Serious psychological objections can be raised to learning isolated words. Presenting words in texts, however, does not guarantee that… read more