Jan Schroten

List of John Benjamins publications for which Jan Schroten plays a role.


Romance Languages and Linguistic Theory 2001: Selected papers from 'Going Romance', Amsterdam, 6–8 December 2001

Edited by Josep Quer, Jan Schroten, Mauro Scorretti, Petra Sleeman and Els Verheugd-Daatzelaar

[Current Issues in Linguistic Theory, 245] 2003. viii, 355 pp.
Subjects Generative linguistics | Romance linguistics | Syntax | Theoretical linguistics
Subjects Generative linguistics | Romance linguistics
Schroten, Jan 2010 Clitic doubling in Spanish: Agreement of the third kindThe Linguistics Enterprise: From knowledge of language to knowledge in linguistics, Everaert, Martin B.H., Tom Lentz, Hannah N.M. De Mulder, Øystein Nilsen and Arjen Zondervan (eds.), pp. 315–326 | Article
The syntactic behavior of nouns is in part determined by their meaning; for example, nouns which refer to human beings usually have special syntactic properties. The basic distinction between human and non-human nouns is a psychological reality reflected in language specific properties of many… read more
Schroten, Jan 2002 Concordance in morphology: Lexeme and suffix in Spanish nounsLinguistics in the Netherlands 2002, Broekhuis, Hans and Paula Fikkert (eds.), pp. 151–162 | Article
Schroten, Jan 2000 Equivalence and mismatch of semantic features: Collocations in English, Spanish and DutchEvidence for Linguistic Relativity, Niemeier, Susanne and René Dirven † (eds.), pp. 29–52 | Article
Schroten, Jan 1997 On Denominal Parasynthetic Verbs in SpanishLinguistics in the Netherlands 1997, Coerts, Jane A. and Helen de Hoop (eds.), pp. 195–206 | Article