Denis Bouchard
List of John Benjamins publications for which Denis Bouchard plays a role.
Arbitrary signs and the emergence of language New Perspectives on the Origins of Language, Lefebvre, Claire, Bernard Comrie and Henri Cohen (eds.), pp. 407–440 | Article
2013 The question of the origin of language is difficult to answer since language is involved in a complex way in all human activities. Yet it can be answered if we concentrate on the design properties of the linguistic sign and how they relate to recently discovered properties that are unique to the… read more
Beyond Descriptivism: Exaptation and Linguistic Explanation New Perspectives on Romance Linguistics: Vol. I: Morphology, Syntax, Semantics, and Pragmatics, Nishida, Chiyo and Jean-Pierre Y. Montreuil (eds.), pp. 27–50 | Article
2006 I present two views on what is unique to human language. Hauser, Chomsky & Fitch (2002) hypothesize that the crucial property is a recursive system which links the Sensory-Motor system and the Conceptual-Intentional system. I assume that the distinctive property is that human language has signs:… read more
The origins of language variation Linguistic Variation Yearbook 2003, Pica, Pierre (ed.), pp. 1–41 | Article
2003 Linguistic variation derives from properties of the physical and conceptual make-up of human beings which were adapted to produce language. This adaptative approach is contrasted with the Minimalist Program, in which properties specific to language are said to be different from anything found in… read more
Integral Minimalism The Minimalist Parameter: Selected papers from the Open Linguistics Forum, Ottawa, 21–23 March 1997, Alexandrova, Galina M. and Olga Arnaudova (eds.), pp. 3–32 | Article
2001 The Syntax of Sentential Negation in French and English Negation and Polarity: Syntax and semantics. Selected papers from the colloquium Negation: Syntax and Semantics. Ottawa, 11–13 May 1995, Forget, Danielle, Paul Hirschbühler, France Martineau and María Luisa Rivero (eds.), pp. 29–52 | Article
1997 Primitives, metaphor and grammar Contemporary Research in Romance Linguistics: Papers from the XXII Linguistic Symposium on Romance Languages, El Paso/Juárez, February 22–24, 1992, Amastae, Jon, Grant Goodall, M. Montalbetti and M. Phinney (eds.), pp. 205–236 | Article
1995 Psych Constructions and Linking to Conceptual Structures Romance Languages and Modern Linguistic Theory: Selected papers from the XX Linguistic Symposium on Romance Languages, University of Ottawa, April 10–14, 1990, Hirschbühler, Paul and E.F.K. Koerner † (eds.), pp. 25–44 | Article
1992 Null objects and the theory of empty categories Studies in Romance Linguistics: Selected Proceedings from the XVII Linguistic Symposium on Romance Languages, Kirschner, Carl and Janet Ann DeCesaris (eds.), pp. 33–49 | Article