John H. Schumann

List of John Benjamins publications for which John H. Schumann plays a role.

Complexity Theory provides avenues for understanding many aspects of language acquisition and use, including the language neuroscientists use to label the brain and to think about its structure and functions. A major concern for neuroscience has been the mapping of structure to function. The… read more
In the nervous system, the orbitofrontal cortex, the amygdala, and the body proper are involved in personal and social decision making. Since normal conversational interaction involves making personal and social decisions on a moment to moment basis about what to say and how to say it, it is… read more
Master, Peter, John H. Schumann and M.E. Sokolik 1989 The Experimental Creation of a Pidgin LanguageJournal of Pidgin and Creole Languages 4:1, pp. 37–63 | Article
Over the past two years several research projects have been undertaken within the Applied Linguistics Program at UCLA to examine the early stages of pidginization. The idea was to create experimentally a pidgin language by having subjects memorize 250 words of a language they did not know and… read more
Schumann, John H. 1984 Comments on the paper by GivónLanguage Universals and Second Language Acquisition, Rutherford, William E. (ed.), pp. 137–140 | Article