Uriel Schuurs
List of John Benjamins publications for which Uriel Schuurs plays a role.
Computergestuurde Adaptieve Toetsen Nederlands als Tweede Taal in de Volwasseneneducatie Onderzoek ontmoet onderwijs 2, pp. 41–52 | Article
2001 In the education of Dutch as a Second Language, frequent use is made of paper-based tests. In this contribution, we describe how an adaptive test was constructed on the basis of an item bank which already existed and test items that were written specifically for use in a computer test. Several… read more
Op weg Naar Geautomatiseerde Beoordeling van Spreekvaardigheid: Onderzoek naar de Mogelijkheden voor een Computergestuurde Spreektoets Onderzoek ontmoet onderwijs, pp. 71–81 | Article
2000 In the vocational education of Dutch as a Second Language (DSL) there is a growing need for oral proficiency tests that are efficient to use. In this article, we describe ways to make use of speech technology for rating speech quality. In two experiments, the rating of DSL-speech is compared to… read more
Geleide Revisie: De Effecten Van Twee Soorten Feedback Schrijven in moedertaal en vreemde taal, pp. 92–101 | Article
1991 From various studies there is evidence that revision tasks are helpful in the development of writing skills. In order to know more about the mental activities student-writers undertake while revising their own texts, we have made an analysis of 90 writing assignments written and revised by pupils… read more
Het Herkennen Van Grammaticale Fouten Toegepaste Taalwetenschap in Artikelen 26, pp. 103–117 | Article
1986 It is assumed that the teaching of writing should be based upon knowledge of the problems students have. In this study the question is addressed which grammatical errors can be regarded as an in-dication of real problems, and which errors must be categorized as mere mistakes. In order to answer… read more