A Young Kwon

List of John Benjamins publications for which A Young Kwon plays a role.


Kang, Ji-in, Hanbeom Jung, A Young Kwon and Iksoo Kwon 2023 Meaning extensions of internet memes: A case study of the ‘If 2020 was a(n) X’ memeApplying Embodied Cognition and Cognitive Linguistics to language teaching, Della Putta, Paolo and Ferran Suñer (eds.), pp. 178–209 | Article
This paper explores the constructional properties of internet memes by conducting a case study of If 2020 was a(n) X (IYWX) memes within the framework of Viewpoint Spaces (Dancygier & Vandelanotte, 2017). By looking into constructional properties and viewpoint interactions at multiple conceptual… read more