In this paper, the relation between language and emotion is discussed by
analyzing the language of Holocaust victims and survivors. Focusing on the
role of language in the conceptualization of emotions, it is shown that specific
verbal means and structures will reveal much about the nature of… read more
In this article, the relationship between language and emotion is explained
within the theoretical framework of the critical cognitive linguistic approach.
According to cognitive linguists both emotion and language are seen as complex
mental systems consisting of different knowledge subsystems that… read more
Complex anaphors are nominal expressions that pick up sentential or longer antecedents referring to propositionally structured referents such as events and states. Concerning their textual function, complex anaphors do not only serve as a means of continuity but also effect the progression of the… read more
The term indirect anaphor (IA) refers to a definite NP which has no explicit antecedent in text and is linked via a cognitive process to some element in prior text which functions as some kind of anchor for the interpretation of IA. According to one popular view, IA are treated as phenomena that… read more