Hansjakob Seiler

List of John Benjamins publications for which Hansjakob Seiler plays a role.

Seiler, Hansjakob, Yoshiko Ono and Waldfried Premper 2021 Chapter 7. Essentials of the unityp research project: Attempt of an overviewLinguistic Categories, Language Description and Linguistic Typology, Alfieri, Luca, Giorgio Francesco Arcodia and Paolo Ramat (eds.), pp. 249–278 | Chapter
This contribution surveys the insights of ‘unityp’ (Language Universals and Typology), a research project initiated and led by Hansjakob Seiler from 1973 until 1992 and further developed by him until 2017. First, an overview of essential concepts and the architecture of the unityp model is given.… read more
Seiler, Hansjakob 2001 1. The operational basis of possession: A dimensional approach revisitedDimensions of Possession, Baron, Irène, Michael Herslund and Finn Sørensen (eds.), pp. 27–40 | Chapter
Seiler, Hansjakob 1999 Localization and predication: Ancient geek and various other languagesLanguage Diversity and Cognitive Representations, Fuchs, Catherine and Stéphane Robert (eds.), pp. 107–122 | Article
Seiler, Hansjakob 1997 Conditionality in dimensional perspectiveOn Conditionals Again, Athanasiadou, Angeliki and René Dirven † (eds.), pp. 307–322 | Article
Seiler, Hansjakob 1996 Zur universalen dimension der IDENTIFIKATIONTheoretical Linguistics and Grammatical Description: Papers in honour of Hans-Heinrich Lieb, Sackmann, Robin and Monika Budde (eds.), pp. 297–311 | Article
Seiler, Hansjakob 1995 Iconicity between Indicativity and PredicativityIconicity in Language, Simone, Raffaele (ed.), pp. 141–152 | Article
Seiler, Hansjakob 1994 Simultaneous Encoding of Morpho-Syntactic and Textual Features in Oral Narrative ProseThe Syntax of Sentence and Text: A Festschrift for František Daneš, Čmejrková, Svĕtla and František Štícha (eds.), pp. 333–340 | Article
Seiler, Hansjakob 1994 Continuum in cognition and continuum in languageContinuity in Linguistic Semantics, Fuchs, Catherine and Bernard Victorri (eds.), pp. 33–44 | Chapter
Seiler, Hansjakob 1992 The functional model of UNITYP dimensionsProspects for a New Structuralism, Lieb, Hans-Heinrich (ed.), pp. 99–126 | Article
Seiler, Hansjakob 1991 Invariance and variation: The dimensional model of language universalsNew Vistas in Grammar: Invariance and Variation, Waugh, Linda R. and Stephen Rudy (eds.), pp. 437–449 | Article
Seiler, Hansjakob 1990 A dimensional view on numeral systemsStudies in Typology and Diachrony: Papers presented to Joseph H. Greenberg on his 75th birthday, Croft, William A., Suzanne Kemmer and Keith Denning (eds.), pp. 187–208 | Article
Seiler, Hansjakob 1989 Iconicity in Functional PerspectiveUniversals of Language, Kefer, Michel and Johan van der Auwera (eds.), pp. 165–172 | Article
Seiler, Hansjakob 1983 Possessivity, Subject and ObjectStudies in Language 7:1, pp. 89–117 | Article