Didier Bourigault

List of John Benjamins publications for which Didier Bourigault plays a role.


Recent Advances in Computational Terminology

Edited by Didier Bourigault, Christian Jacquemin and Marie-Claude L'Homme

[Natural Language Processing, 2] 2001. xviii, 380 pp.
Subjects Corpus linguistics | Lexicography | Semantics | Terminology
Calberg-Challot, Marie, Danielle Candel, Didier Bourigault, Xavier Dumont, John Humbley et Jacques Joseph 2008 Une analyse méthodique pour l’extraction terminologique dans le domaine du nucléaireTerminology 14:2, pp. 183–203 | Article
This article describes an evaluation of the Syntex tool used to define a terminology reference frame base for building a new dictionary. This tool is then used in an experiment in which technical terms are extracted from different corpora. These terms belong to the sub-domains “Fuel” and “Reactors”… read more
Chodkiewicz, Christine, Didier Bourigault and John Humbley 2002 Making a workable glossary out of a specialised corpus: Term extraction and expert knowledgeLexis in Contrast: Corpus-based approaches, Altenberg, Bengt and Sylviane Granger (eds.), pp. 249–267 | Chapter
Bourigault, Didier, Christian Jacquemin and Marie-Claude L'Homme 2001 IntroductionRecent Advances in Computational Terminology, Bourigault, Didier, Christian Jacquemin and Marie-Claude L'Homme (eds.), pp. viii–xviii | Miscellaneous
Normand, Sylvie and Didier Bourigault 2001 Analysing adjectives used in a histopathology corpus with NLP toolsTerminology 7:2, pp. 155–166 | Article
Our work deals with the domain of hispathology. In diagnosis histopathological images are described differently by different observers and even by the same observer at different times. This divergence in the identification of specific morphological features is partly due to varying levels of… read more