Shirley Sharon-Zisser

List of John Benjamins publications for which Shirley Sharon-Zisser plays a role.

Sharon-Zisser, Shirley 2009 Thin(k)ging ShakespearePragmatics & Cognition 17:1, pp. 177–195 | Article
This review article examines three recent books which offer philosophical reflections on Shakespeare’s texts: Colin McGinn’s Shakespeare’s Philosophy, Anthony Nuttall’s Shakespeare as Thinker, and Tzachi Zamir’s Double Vision: Moral Philosophy and Shakespearean Drama. Taking as its points of… read more
Sharon-Zisser, Shirley 2005 18. Archaic subjectivity and/as controversy in psychoanalytic thinkingControversies and Subjectivity, Barrotta, Pierluigi and Marcelo Dascal † (eds.), pp. 371–393 | Chapter
Sharon-Zisser, Shirley 2003 The metrics of cognition and the rhythm of the unconsciousPragmatics & Cognition 11:1, pp. 171–190 | Miscellaneous
This article rethinks the links drawn by cognitive poetics between thought-representation and language in relation to the category of rhythm and metre as symptoms, in Plato’s Republic and in the psychoanalytic theory of Freud, Lacan, and in particular in Nicolas Abraham’s Rhythms. Utilizing… read more