Dietha Koster
List of John Benjamins publications for which Dietha Koster plays a role.
Van typiste naar ingenieur? Inzichten uit vijftig jaar representaties van gender en beroep in NT2-tekstboeken (1974–2017) Dutch Journal of Applied Linguistics 8:2, pp. 248–269 | Article
2019 Studies on English language learning materials indicate that women are underrepresented and often appear in low-status professions, though gender equality increases within the last decade (Sunderland, 2015). To what degree does this finding apply for textbooks for learners of Dutch as a Second… read more
A dynamic, usage-based approach to teaching L2 Dutch Dutch Journal of Applied Linguistics 4:2, pp. 257–264 | Article
2015 Language teaching follows trends in theory of second language development (SLD). In recent years, a dynamic, usage-based (DUB) approach to SLD has gotten theoretical foothold. With DUB principles in mind, a teaching program was developed for teaching Dutch as a second language (L2), where authentic… read more