Janet S. Shibamoto Smith

List of John Benjamins publications for which Janet S. Shibamoto Smith plays a role.


Shibamoto Smith, Janet S. 2003 Japanese. Gendered structures in JapaneseGender Across Languages: The linguistic representation of women and men, Hellinger, Marlis and Hadumod Bußmann (eds.), pp. 201–225 | Article
1.Introduction 2.Gendered structures 2.1Talking about women: Lexical bias 2.2Women talking 2.2.1Phonology 2.2.2Exclamations 2.2.3Pronouns 2.2.4Sentence particles 2.2.5The zero-rule 2.2.6Keigo (politeness forms) 3.A case study: Interpreting Ichiko 4.The feminist debate 5. read more
Shibamoto Smith, Janet S. 1999 From Hiren to Happî-endo: Romantic Expression in the Japanese Love StoryLanguages of Sentiment: Cultural constructions of emotional substrates, Palmer, Gary B. and Debra J. Occhi (eds.), pp. 131–150 | Article