Warren A. Shibles

List of John Benjamins publications for which Warren A. Shibles plays a role.

Shibles, Warren A. 1996 Review of Attardo (1994): Linguistic Theories of HumorStudies in Language 20:3, pp. 667–679 | Review
The literature on Dutch phonetics reveals a controversy about certain vowels and consonants. Dictionaries typically do not give phonetics, or if they do, it is not standard IPA, but Dutch-IPA, a personal, or local symbolism. In addition, transcriptions differ. The effect is that the researcher… read more
Shibles, Warren A. 1996 Review of Norrick (1993): Conversation JokingStudies in Language 20:2, pp. 465–472 | Review
Shibles, Warren A. 1992 Zóltan Kövecses. Emotion conceptsStudies in Language 16:1, pp. 255–257 | Miscellaneous
Shibles, Warren A. 1991 Jean-Jacques Lecercle. The violence of languageStudies in Language 15:2, pp. 504–506 | Squib