John McH. Sinclair

List of John Benjamins publications for which John McH. Sinclair plays a role.


Linear Unit Grammar: Integrating speech and writing

John McH. Sinclair and Anna Mauranen

[Studies in Corpus Linguistics, 25] 2006. xxii, 185 pp.
Subjects Cognition and language | Computational & corpus linguistics | Corpus linguistics | English linguistics | Germanic linguistics

How to Use Corpora in Language Teaching

Edited by John McH. Sinclair

[Studies in Corpus Linguistics, 12] 2004. viii, 307 pp.
Subjects Corpus linguistics | Language acquisition | Language teaching
Sinclair, John McH. 2008 The phrase, the whole phrase and nothing but the phrasePhraseology: An interdisciplinary perspective, Granger, Sylviane and Fanny Meunier (eds.), pp. 407–410 | Article
Sinclair, John McH. 2008 PrefacePhraseology: An interdisciplinary perspective, Granger, Sylviane and Fanny Meunier (eds.), pp. xv–xviii | Preface
Sinclair, John McH. 2007 PrefaceWords, grammar, text: revisiting the work of John Sinclair, Moon, Rosamund (ed.), pp. 155–157 | Article
Sinclair, John McH. 2007 Data-derived multilingual lexiconsText Corpora and Multilingual Lexicography, Teubert, Wolfgang (ed.), pp. 69–81 | Article

This paper first appeared in Arcaini (ed.) 2000: La Traduzione (IV). Quaderni di Libre e Riviste d'Italia, 43; Roma: Ministerio per i bene e le attività culturali. For this publication it has been lightly revised, and the bibliography updated.

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Sinclair, John McH. 2005 Language as a string of beads: Discourse and the M-wordStrategies in Academic Discourse, Tognini-Bonelli, Elena and Gabriella Del Lungo Camiciotti (eds.), pp. 163–168 | Article
Sinclair, John McH. 2004 IntroductionHow to Use Corpora in Language Teaching, Sinclair, John McH. (ed.), pp. 1–10 | Article
Sinclair, John McH. 2004 New evidence, new priorities, new attitudesHow to Use Corpora in Language Teaching, Sinclair, John McH. (ed.), pp. 271–299 | Article
Sinclair, John McH. 2003 4.1 Corpora for lexicographyA Practical Guide to Lexicography, Sterkenburg, Piet van (ed.), pp. 167–178 | Chapter
Sinclair, John McH. 2003 4.2 Corpus processingA Practical Guide to Lexicography, Sterkenburg, Piet van (ed.), pp. 179–193 | Chapter
Barnbrook, Geoff and John McH. Sinclair 2001 9. Specialised corpus, local and functional grammarsSmall Corpus Studies and ELT: Theory and practice, Ghadessy, Mohsen, Alex Henry and Robert L. Roseberry (eds.), pp. 237–278 | Article
Sinclair, John McH. 2001 The deification of informationPatterns of Text: In honour of Michael Hoey, Scott, Mike and Geoff Thompson † (eds.), pp. 287–314 | Article
Editors’ introductionSinclair, like Coulthard, Darnton and Edge & Wharton in this volume, concerns himself with the uses andusability of text. Where Coulthard concerns himself with a text user’s need to detect and investigate plagiarismin existing sets of text, and Darnton and Edge & Wharton with… read more
Sinclair, John McH. 2001 PrefaceSmall Corpus Studies and ELT: Theory and practice, Ghadessy, Mohsen, Alex Henry and Robert L. Roseberry (eds.), pp. vii–xvi | Preface
Sinclair, John McH. 2001 Data-derived Multilingual LexiconsText Corpora and Multilingual Lexicography, Teubert, Wolfgang, pp. 79–94 | Article

This paper first appeared in Arcaini (ed.) 2000: La Traduzione (IV). Quaderni di Libre e Riviste d’Italia, 43; Roma: Ministerio per i bene e le attività culturali. For this publication it has been lightly revised, and the bibliography updated.

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Sinclair, John McH. 1998 The Lexical ItemContrastive Lexical Semantics, Weigand, Edda (ed.), pp. 1–24 | Article
Sinclair, John McH. 1996 The Empty LexiconInternational Journal of Corpus Linguistics 1:1, pp. 99–119 | Article
This paper1 contrasts two views on the analysis of language. In one view, language is primarily seen as a carrier of messages in sentences whose propo-sitional content can be retrieved, and symbolised in a knowledge base. In the other, language is seen as a means of communication that deals in… read more
Sinclair, John McH. 1988 Sense and structure in lexisLinguistics in a Systemic Perspective, Benson, James D., Michael J. Cummings and William S. Greaves (eds.), pp. 73–98 | Article
Sinclair, John McH. 1987 Collocation: a progress reportLanguage Topics: Essays in honour of Michael Halliday, Steele, Ross and Terry Threadgold (eds.), pp. 319–332 | Article
Sinclair, John McH. 1987 Collocation: a progress reportLanguage Topics: Essays in honour of Michael Halliday, Steele, Ross and Terry Threadgold (eds.), pp. 319–332 | Article