Elisabeth Dalby Kristiansen

List of John Benjamins publications for which Elisabeth Dalby Kristiansen plays a role.


Early history of the North Sea Germanic languages

Edited by Stephen Laker and Hans Frede Nielsen †

Special issue of NOWELE 74:1 (2021) v, 151 pp.
Subjects Germanic linguistics | Historical linguistics

Runic Inscriptions and the Early History of the Germanic Languages

Edited by Robert Nedoma and Hans Frede Nielsen †

Special issue of NOWELE 73:1 (2020) v, 192 pp.
Subjects Germanic linguistics | Historical linguistics


The integration of new technologies in Ethnomethodology and Conversation Analysis necessitates thorough discussion. This chapter explores the combination of recordings from a mobile eye-tracking device with recordings from an external mobile video camera, which may reveal intricate details of… read more
Rasmussen, Gitte, Elisabeth Dalby Kristiansen and Søren Vigild Poulsen 2025 The World of Daily Life: Doing a search for (e‑)shopping purposesPragmatics and Society 16:1, pp. 113–144 | Article
Within social scientific research searching for products is overwhelmingly reduced and represented as an activity that is embedded in decision-making processes. This study shows that searching is extremely multimodally rich and complex and that structured stages of searching are the product of… read more
This article presents a study of participants’ practices for closing buying-selling encounters in retail shops. The study shows how the handing over of a shopping bag with the items purchased serves as a resource for organizing the closing of the encounter. Further, taking its point of departure… read more