Norval Smith

List of John Benjamins publications for which Norval Smith plays a role.

Book series

Advances in Contact Linguistics: In honour of Pieter Muysken

Edited by Norval Smith, Tonjes Veenstra and Enoch O. Aboh

[Contact Language Library, 57] 2020. ix, 400 pp.
Subjects Contact Linguistics | Creole studies | Sociolinguistics and Dialectology | Theoretical linguistics
Subjects Contact Linguistics | Creole studies | Historical linguistics | Sociolinguistics and Dialectology

The Morphosyntax of Reiteration in Creole and Non-Creole Languages

Edited by Enoch O. Aboh, Norval Smith and Anne Zribi-Hertz

[Creole Language Library, 43] 2012. vii, 287 pp.
Subjects Contact Linguistics | Creole studies | Morphology | Syntax | Theoretical linguistics

Complex Processes in New Languages

Edited by Enoch O. Aboh and Norval Smith

[Creole Language Library, 35] 2009. vii, 409 pp.
Subjects Contact Linguistics | Creole studies | Syntax | Theoretical linguistics

Substrate Influence in Creole Formation

Edited by Bettina Migge and Norval Smith

Special issue of Journal of Pidgin and Creole Languages 22:1 (2007) 200 pp.
Subjects Creole studies | Historical linguistics | Sociolinguistics and Dialectology

Creolization and Contact

Edited by Norval Smith and Tonjes Veenstra

[Creole Language Library, 23] 2001. vi, 323 pp.
Subjects Contact Linguistics | Creole studies | Historical linguistics | Sociolinguistics and Dialectology

Pidgins and Creoles: An introduction

Edited by Jacques Arends, Pieter Muysken and Norval Smith

[Creole Language Library, 15] 1994. xv, 412 pp.
Subjects Contact Linguistics | Creole studies
Subjects Contact Linguistics | Creole studies | Theoretical linguistics
Smith, Norval and Frans Hinskens 2020 Pottefers Cant, Groenstraat Bargoens, and the development of “have” and “be” in the wider context of contactAdvances in Contact Linguistics: In honour of Pieter Muysken, Smith, Norval, Tonjes Veenstra and Enoch O. Aboh (eds.), pp. 283–338 | Chapter
Our article falls into two parts. In the first part we compare two “secret” or replacive Dutch languages, Potteferstaal (Pot-repairers language) and Groenstraat Bargoens (Groenstraat cant), which developed in and around eastern Belgium and the southeastern fringe of the Netherlands, respectively. read more
Veenstra, Tonjes, Norval Smith and Enoch O. Aboh 2020 Introduction. Pieter C. Muysken: A brief biography, a language contact bibliography and a Festschrift summaryAdvances in Contact Linguistics: In honour of Pieter Muysken, Smith, Norval, Tonjes Veenstra and Enoch O. Aboh (eds.), pp. 1–34 | Chapter
Smith, Norval 2017 Krio as the Western Maroon Creole language of Jamaica, and the /na/ isoglossLanguage Contact in Africa and the African Diaspora in the Americas: In honor of John V. Singler, Cutler, Cecelia, Zvjezdana Vrzić and Philipp Angermeyer (eds.), pp. 251–274 | Chapter
The nominal copula na appears uniquely in two sets of Atlantic English-lexifier creole languages: a) in what is called the Maroon Spirit Language used among the Eastern Maroons of Jamaica. Now confined to ritual use, it was formerly the daily language of the Eastern Maroons; b) in Krio, spoken in… read more
Aboh, Enoch O. and Norval Smith 2012 The morphosyntax of non-iconic reduplications: A case study in Eastern Gbe and the Surinam creolesThe Morphosyntax of Reiteration in Creole and Non-Creole Languages, Aboh, Enoch O., Norval Smith and Anne Zribi-Hertz (eds.), pp. 27–76 | Article
In this paper, we have studied non-iconic reduplication in Eastern Gbe languages (viz., Fongbe and Gungbe) and Suriname creoles (viz., Sranan and Saramaccan). We have shown that in the Surinam Creoles, as well as in the Gbe languages, such non-iconic reduplication is conditioned by a unique… read more
Aboh, Enoch O., Norval Smith and Anne Zribi-Hertz 2012 Reduplication beyond the word level: A cross-linguistic viewThe Morphosyntax of Reiteration in Creole and Non-Creole Languages, Aboh, Enoch O., Norval Smith and Anne Zribi-Hertz (eds.), pp. 1–26 | Article
Aboh, Enoch O. and Norval Smith 2009 Simplicity, simplification, complexity and complexification: Where have the interfaces gone?Complex Processes in New Languages, Aboh, Enoch O. and Norval Smith (eds.), pp. 1–25 | Article
Smith, Norval 2009 English-speaking in early Surinam?Gradual Creolization: Studies celebrating Jacques Arends, Selbach, Rachel, Hugo C. Cardoso and Margot van den Berg (eds.), pp. 305–326 | Article
I assess the opportunities of English-learning for slaves in early Surinam. Under the gradualist approach no creole could develop until the population balance had shifted significantly in favour of the slaves. With the population figures given by Arends for the years 1675, 1684 and 1695, I… read more
Smith, Norval 2009 Simplification of a complex part of grammar or not? What happened to KiKoongo nouns in Saramaccan?Complex Processes in New Languages, Aboh, Enoch O. and Norval Smith (eds.), pp. 51–73 | Article
In this article I attempt to approach the question of what effect the incorporation of a large number of KiKoongo vocabulary items by the creole languages of Surinam had vis-a-vis notions of simplification or complexification. So, we have the situation of a language lacking an extensive noun-class… read more
The aim of this article is to try and trace the source of a phonological change that applies only in the Portuguese-derived lexicon in Saramaccan. Saramaccan is a mainly English-lexifier maroon creole language with a very substantial Portuguese element in its vocabulary. This phonological change,… read more
Botma, Bert and Norval Smith 2007 A dependency-based typology of nasalisation and voicing phenomenaLinguistics in the Netherlands 2007, Los, Bettelou and Marjo van Koppen (eds.), pp. 36–48 | Article
Migge, Bettina and Norval Smith 2007 Introduction: Substrate influence in creole formationSubstrate Influence in Creole Formation, Migge, Bettina and Norval Smith (eds.), pp. 1–15 | Article
Smith, Norval and Klaske van Leyden 2007 The Unusual Outcome of a Level-Stress Situation: The Case of Wursten FrisianNOWELE Volume 52 (October 2007), pp. 31–66 | Article
Smith, Norval and Vinije Haabo 2007 The Saramaccan implosives: Tools for linguistic archaeology?Substrate Influence in Creole Formation, Migge, Bettina and Norval Smith (eds.), pp. 101–122 | Article
This paper takes as its starting point the recently discovered fact that Saramaccan contrasts two types of voiced labial and coronal stop, plain and implosive. The plain labials appear to be modern in origin, something which cannot be said about their coronal counterparts. So we reconstruct an… read more
Botma, Bert and Norval Smith 2006 A dependency account of the fortis–lenis contrast in CamaLinguistics in the Netherlands 2006, Weijer, Jeroen van de and Bettelou Los (eds.), pp. 15–27 | Article
Smith, Norval 2006 Very rapid Creolization in the framework of the restricted motivation hypothesisL2 Acquisition and Creole Genesis: Dialogues, Lefebvre, Claire, Lydia White and Christine Jourdan (eds.), pp. 49–65 | Article
Smith, Norval 2001 2. Voodoo Chile: Differential substrate effects in Saramaccan and HaitianCreolization and Contact, Smith, Norval and Tonjes Veenstra (eds.), pp. 43–80 | Article
Smith, Norval and Tonjes Veenstra 2001 IntroductionCreolization and Contact, Smith, Norval and Tonjes Veenstra (eds.), pp. 1–8 | Article
Smith, Norval 1997 Shrinking and Hopping Vowels in Northern Cape York: Minimally Different SystemsVariation, Change, and Phonological Theory, Hinskens, Frans, Roeland van Hout and W. Leo Wetzels (eds.), pp. 267–302 | Article
Adamson, Lilian and Norval Smith 1994 18. SrananPidgins and Creoles: An introduction, Arends, Jacques, Pieter Muysken and Norval Smith (eds.), pp. 219–232 | Chapter
Arends, Jacques, Pieter Muysken and Norval Smith 1994 25. ConclusionsPidgins and Creoles: An introduction, Arends, Jacques, Pieter Muysken and Norval Smith (eds.), pp. 319–330 | Chapter
Arends, Jacques, Silvia Kouwenberg and Norval Smith 1994 9. Theories focusing on the non-European inputPidgins and Creoles: An introduction, Arends, Jacques, Pieter Muysken and Norval Smith (eds.), pp. 99–109 | Chapter
Bakker, Peter, Norval Smith and Tonjes Veenstra 1994 14. SaramaccanPidgins and Creoles: An introduction, Arends, Jacques, Pieter Muysken and Norval Smith (eds.), pp. 165–178 | Chapter
Besten, Hans den, Pieter Muysken and Norval Smith 1994 8. Theories focusing on the European inputPidgins and Creoles: An introduction, Arends, Jacques, Pieter Muysken and Norval Smith (eds.), pp. 87–98 | Chapter
Muysken, Pieter and Norval Smith 1994 22. ReflexivesPidgins and Creoles: An introduction, Arends, Jacques, Pieter Muysken and Norval Smith (eds.), pp. 271–288 | Chapter
Muysken, Pieter and Norval Smith 1994 1. The study of pidgin and creole languagesPidgins and Creoles: An introduction, Arends, Jacques, Pieter Muysken and Norval Smith (eds.), pp. 3–14 | Chapter
Smith, Norval 1994 26. An annotated list of creoles, pidgins, and mixed languagesPidgins and Creoles: An introduction, Arends, Jacques, Pieter Muysken and Norval Smith (eds.), pp. 331–374 | Chapter
Smith, Norval 1983 In Memoriam: Jan VoorhoeveEnglish World-Wide 4:2, pp. 265–267 | Miscellaneous