Tomasz Rozmysłowicz

List of John Benjamins publications for which Tomasz Rozmysłowicz plays a role.


Translation and the Formation of Collectivities: Special issue of Translation in Society 2:1 (2023)

Edited by Dilek Dizdar and Tomasz Rozmysłowicz

Special issue of Translation in Society 2:1 (2023) v, 122 pp.
Subjects Communication Studies | Interpreting | Sociology | Translation Studies


Dizdar, Dilek and Tomasz Rozmysłowicz 2025 Chapter 13. What translation and interpreting practices do: Field research on human differentiation in a German reception centre for refugeesField Research on Translation and Interpreting, Rogl, Regina, Daniela Schlager and Hanna Risku (eds.), pp. 297–319 | Chapter
The aim of this chapter is to introduce a new theoretical framework for field research in translation studies. The framework is centred around the concept of ‘human differentiation’ (Hirschauer 2017; Dizdar et al. 2021). Drawing on original data gathered during field research carried out at a… read more
Dizdar, Dilek and Tomasz Rozmysłowicz 2023 Collectivities in translation (studies): Towards a conceptual frameworkTranslation and the Formation of Collectivities: Special issue of Translation in Society 2:1 (2023), Dizdar, Dilek and Tomasz Rozmysłowicz (eds.), pp. 1–14 | Review article
Since the cultural and social turn, translation studies has been interested in the role translation practices play in the construction of the socio-cultural world. In particular, it has been concerned with the effects translation practices have on the formation of all kinds of groups,… read more