Albert Branchadell

List of John Benjamins publications for which Albert Branchadell plays a role.


Less Translated Languages

Edited by Albert Branchadell and Lovell Margaret West

[Benjamins Translation Library, 58] 2005. viii, 416 pp.
Subjects Translation Studies
This paper provides an assessment of the contribution of local political scientists to the study of the relationship between language and society in the Catalan-speaking area in the last 25 years. First, the contribution of local political scientists is quite modest in quantitative terms. As a… read more
Branchadell, Albert 2011 Minority languages and translationHandbook of Translation Studies: Volume 2, Gambier, Yves and Luc van Doorslaer (eds.), pp. 97–101 | Article
Branchadell, Albert 2005 Introduction: Less translated languages as a field of inquiryLess Translated Languages, Branchadell, Albert and Lovell Margaret West (eds.), pp. 1–23 | Miscellaneous
Branchadell, Albert 2005 Mandatory translationLess Translated Languages, Branchadell, Albert and Lovell Margaret West (eds.), pp. 125–135 | Article