Erich Steiner

List of John Benjamins publications for which Erich Steiner plays a role.


Kunz, Kerstin, Ekaterina Lapshinova-Koltunski, José Manuel Martínez Martínez, Katrin Menzel and Erich Steiner 2018 Shallow features as indicators of English–German contrasts in lexical cohesionLanguages in Contrast 18:2, pp. 175–206 | Article
This paper contrasts lexical cohesion between English and German spoken and written registers, reporting findings from a quantitative lexical analysis. After an overview of research aims and motivations we formulate hypotheses on distributions of shallow features as indicators of lexical… read more
Steiner, Erich 2017 Contrastive studies of cohesion and their impact on our knowledge of translation (English-German)Discourse Analysis in Translation Studies, Munday, Jeremy and Meifang Zhang (eds.), pp. 27–45 | Article
This article starts from the claim that knowledge about contrastive systems of cohesion and textual instantiations of these systems between English and German is important for translation, but that this knowledge is still fragmentary and insufficiently supported by empirical studies. This claim… read more
Steiner, Erich 2015 Contrastive studies of cohesion and their impact on our knowledge of translation (English-German)Discourse Analysis in Translation Studies, Munday, Jeremy and Meifang Zhang (eds.), pp. 351–369 | Article
This article starts from the claim that knowledge about contrastive systems of cohesion and textual instantiations of these systems between English and German is important for translation, but that this knowledge is still fragmentary and insufficiently supported by empirical studies. This claim… read more
Our paper outlines a contrastive account of cohesive substitution in English and German. We start with a clarification of the relationship between cohesive reference, substitution/ellipsis and lexical cohesion in terms of prototypical lexicogrammatical realizations, semantic functionalities and… read more
Alves, Fabio, Adriana Pagano, Stella Neumann, Erich Steiner and Silvia Hansen-Schirra 2010 Translation units and grammatical shifts: Towards an integration of product- and process-based translation researchTranslation and Cognition, Shreve, Gregory M. and Erik Angelone (eds.), pp. 109–142 | Article
Drawing on corpus-based and process-based approaches, this paper reports on the results of an exploratory study using highly annotated translation corpora in conjunction with key logging, eye tracking, and retrospective verbalizations to identify translation units associated with cognitive effort… read more
Hansen-Schirra, Silvia, Stella Neumann and Erich Steiner 2007 Cohesive explicitness and explicitation in an English-German translation corpusInformation Structuring Resources in Contrast, Behrens, Bergljot, Cathrine Fabricius-Hansen, Hilde Hasselgård and Stig Johansson (eds.), pp. 241–265 | Article
Explicitness or implicitness as assumed properties of translated texts and other texts in multilingual communication have for some time been the object of speculation and, at a later stage, of more systematic research in linguistics and translation studies. This paper undertakes an investigation… read more
Steiner, Erich 2005 Some properties of texts in terms of ‘information distribution’ across languagesContrast in Context, Aijmer, Karin, Hilde Hasselgård and Stig Johansson (eds.), pp. 49–72 | Article
On a global level, an attempt will be made to relate relatively macro-level intuitions about properties of texts to more micro-level notions and to empirically testable lexicogrammatical properties. The strategy will be to (a) partly reduce an intuitive notion of ‘information distribution’ in texts… read more
Steiner, Erich 2004 Ideational grammatical metaphor: Exploring some implications for the overall modelFunctional Linguistics and Contrastive Description, Davidse, Kristin and Liesbet Heyvaert (eds.), pp. 137–164 | Article
In this paper I want to explore the systemic-functional notion of ‘grammatical metaphor’ from a cross-linguistic perspective. After a brief introduction to the concept of ‘grammatical metaphor’, I shall discuss the distinction between ‘congruent’ and ‘metaphorical’ encodings of meaning, as well as… read more
Steiner, Erich and Elke Teich 2004 3. Metafunctional profile of the grammar of GermanLanguage Typology: A functional perspective, Caffarel-Cayron, Alice, J.R. Martin and Christian M.I.M. Matthiessen (eds.), pp. 139–184 | Article
This paper illustrates key elements of a translation evaluation based on register analysis. In Section 1, the attempts in the current paper are related to linguistics and translation studies in general, and to the evaluation of translations in particular, arguing for a theoretically-based approach.… read more
Steiner, Erich and Wiebke Ramm 1995 On Theme as a grammatical notion for GermanFunctions of Language 2:1, pp. 57–93 | Article
We outline an approach to Theme as a grammatical notion for German. Our starting point is some earlier accounts of Theme in the framework of Systemic Functional Linguistics. These are followed by a consideration of some representational requirements for a treatment of Theme in German. We then… read more
Steiner, Erich 1988 The interaction of language and music as semiotic systems: The example of a folk balladLinguistics in a Systemic Perspective, Benson, James D., Michael J. Cummings and William S. Greaves (eds.), pp. 393–442 | Article