Eija Suomela-Salmi

List of John Benjamins publications for which Eija Suomela-Salmi plays a role.


Cross-Linguistic and Cross-Cultural Perspectives on Academic Discourse

Edited by Eija Suomela-Salmi and Fred Dervin

[Pragmatics & Beyond New Series, 193] 2009. vi, 299 pp.
Subjects Discourse studies | Pragmatics
Veivo, Outi, Eija Suomela-Salmi and Juhani Järvikivi 2015 Orthographic bias in L3 lexical knowledge: Learner-related and lexical factorsLanguage, Interaction and Acquisition 6:2, pp. 270–293 | Article
In this paper, we examine some of the factors that might influence the accessing of meanings of written and spoken L3 words. We tested learners of L3 French who had Finnish as their L1 and were highly competent in L2 English. They were presented with L3 French words in written and spoken form, and… read more
Johansson, Marjut and Eija Suomela-Salmi 2011 Énonciation: French pragmatic approach(es)Discursive Pragmatics, Zienkowski, Jan, Jan-Ola Östman and Jef Verschueren (eds.), pp. 71–101 | Article
Suomela-Salmi, Eija and Fred Dervin 2009 IntroductionCross-Linguistic and Cross-Cultural Perspectives on Academic Discourse, Suomela-Salmi, Eija and Fred Dervin (eds.), pp. 1–16 | Article
Suomela-Salmi, Eija and Fred Dervin 2009 Clash of the Titans: The construction of the Human and Social Sciences by a philosopher and a sociologistCross-Linguistic and Cross-Cultural Perspectives on Academic Discourse, Suomela-Salmi, Eija and Fred Dervin (eds.), pp. 243–274 | Article
Our contribution looks at a specific case of academic discourse, that of the positioning of various scientific discourses within social and media spheres. More specifically, we examine how concepts used in the Social and Human Sciences (SHS) are discursively constructed by members of different… read more
Johansson, Marjut and Eija Suomela-Salmi 2008 ÉnonciationHandbook of Pragmatics: 2008 Installment, Östman, Jan-Ola and Jef Verschueren (eds.), pp. 1–38 | Article