Manuel Breva-Claramonte

List of John Benjamins publications for which Manuel Breva-Claramonte plays a role.


The work of early missionary linguists in Central and South America received some criticism in the 19th and 20th centuries. This paper seeks to show that such comments were unfair in that they lacked proper historical contextualization. The first part focuses on the educational background of early… read more
Breva-Claramonte, Manuel 1999 Morphosyntactic analysis exotic languages in Lorenzo Hervás (1735-1809)History of Linguistics 1996: Volume 1: Traditions in Linguistics Worldwide, Cram, David, Andrew R. Linn and Elke Nowak (eds.), pp. 81–90 | Chapter
Breva-Claramonte, Manuel 1986 The Semiotic Aspects of Sanctius' MinervaThe History of Linguistics in Spain, Quilis Morales, Antonio and Hans-Josef Niederehe (eds.), pp. 117–128 | Article
Breva-Claramonte, Manuel 1984 The semiotic aspects of Sanctius’ MinervaHistoriographia Linguistica 11:1/2, pp. 117–127 | Article
The purpose of this paper is to delineate Sanctius’ views on signs. To achieve this goal those passages have been analized in which the author made direct mention of signs as well as those where the reference is implicit. The first part of this study covers the historical background leading to… read more
The 1587 edition of Sanctius’ Minerva was not the first edition: a 1562 version has recently been discovered. This paper outlines Sanctius’ linguistic theory as it is advanced in the earlier version and traces its evolution. Some aspects of Sanctius’ system are briefly considered with relation to… read more