Pierre Swiggers

List of John Benjamins publications for which Pierre Swiggers plays a role.



Subjects Applied linguistics | Language acquisition | Language policy | Language teaching | Multilingualism
Subjects Applied linguistics | Language acquisition | Language policy | Language teaching | Multilingualism
Swiggers, Pierre, Werner Thomas and Toon Van Hal 2021 On the ‘affinities of Oriental languages’: Wilhelm von Humboldt and his British connectionsMissionary Linguistics VI: Missionary Linguistics in Asia, Zwartjes, Otto and Paolo De Troia (eds.), pp. 265–288 | Chapter
This contribution offers an attempt at defining the genre of grammatical school papyri, on the basis of a corpus of some 65 relevant papyri, roughly ranging from the 1st to the 8th century AD. After a brief overview of the heuristic and methodological state of the art, we offer a content-based… read more
En 1672 parut à Amsterdam, chez Abraham Wolfgang (1634–1694), une grammaire de l’italien rédigée en néerlandais. L’auteur de cette grammaire, publiée anonymement, peut être identifié comme Lodewijk Meijer (1629–1681). L’ouvrage, intitulé Italiaansche Spraakkonst, se caractérise par une… read more
Swiggers, Pierre 2017 Nicolaus Clenardus’ Institutiones grammaticae Latinae (1538): Contents and contextLatin Grammars in Transition, 1200 - 1600, Luhtala, Anneli and Mark E. Amsler (eds.), pp. 430–458 | Article
In 1538 the Flemish humanist language scholar Nicolaus Clenardus (1493–1542) published a grammar of Latin in Braga (Portugal), the Institutiones grammaticae Latinae. The grammar, the fruit of his public teaching in Braga, was the third in a series of grammars written by Clenardus: while active… read more
Edward Sapir’s grammar of Takelma remains a model of linguistic description and insight into the deeper structure of a language. Together with his Takelma Texts it is our principal source of information on this extinct language, once spoken in southwestern Oregon. Sapir did his fieldwork on Takelma… read more
The academy memoir Zur Morphologie der Sprache which August Schleicher published in 1859 in the Saint-Petersburg Academy collection proposes an innovating classification, on a morphological basis, of the languages of the world. The work is based on a theory of the formal structure of the word; the… read more
The origin and development of the parts-of-speech system was the subject of retrospective accounts written by ancient Greek and Latin authors interested in this evolutionary process of grammaticography. These accounts, containing a survey of doctrines and viewpoints concerning the number and nature… read more
In his review of Chomsky’s Syntactic Structures (1957), R.B. Lees praised the work as a pioneering effort in constructing a truly scientific theory of language. Very soon, Chomsky’s 1957 book was regarded as inaugurating the ‘generative revolution’ in linguistics. The present study focuses on the… read more
Swiggers, Pierre 2009 David Zeisberger’s Description of Delaware Morphology (1827)Quot homines tot artes: New Studies in Missionary Linguistics, Zwartjes, Otto and E.F.K. Koerner † (eds.), pp. 325–344 | Article
This article proposes an analysis of the linguistic work of the Moravian missionary David Zeisberger (1721–1808), and more particularly of his grammar of the Delaware language (= [Lenni-]Lenape), which was published in 1827 in an English translation by Peter S. Du Ponceau (1760–1844), on the basis… read more
The participle is one of the eight parts of speech in ancient Greek grammaticography. In spite of its constant inclusion in grammar manuals of the ancient Greek tradition, its status is problematic given that the participle is defined not in terms of proper and specific characteristics, but… read more
Swiggers, Pierre 2004 Hittite -za and Reflexivity Marking: Some RemarksStudies in Baltic and Indo-European Linguistics: In honor of William R. Schmalstieg, Baldi, Philip and Pietro U. Dini (eds.), pp. 203–208 | Chapter
Desmet, Piet, Peter Lauwers and Pierre Swiggers 1999 Dialectology, Philology and Linguistics in the Romance Field: Methodological Developments and InteractionsVariation in (Sub)standard language, Belemans, Rob and Reinhild Vandekerckhove (eds.), pp. 177–203 | Article
Abstract. This contribution offers a historical survey of the views adopted by Romance scholars in methodological discussions tied up with dialectological work conducted between 1875 and 1925. Following an initial phase in which dialectology was strongly linked to folklore-based work and was mainly… read more
Swiggers, Pierre and Alfons Wouters 1999 A Round-Table DiscussionHistory of Linguistics 1996: Volume 2: From Classical to Contemporary Linguistics, Cram, David, Andrew R. Linn and Elke Nowak (eds.), pp. 3–14 | Chapter
Clercq, Jan de and Pierre Swiggers 1992 The Hibernian Connection: Irish Grammaticography in LouvainDiversions of Galway: Papers on the history of linguistics from ICHoLS V, Ahlqvist, Anders (ed.), pp. 85–102 | Article
Delbecque, Nicole et Pierre Swiggers 1992 Avant-proposÉtudes offertes à Karel van den Eynde
Études offertes à Karel van den Eynde: Volume II. Linguistique générale et linguistique descriptive
, Delbecque, Nicole et Pierre Swiggers (dir.), pp. i–iii | Article
Swiggers, Pierre 1991 Variation, invariance, hierarchy, and integration as grammatical parametersNew Vistas in Grammar: Invariance and Variation, Waugh, Linda R. and Stephen Rudy (eds.), pp. 185–220 | Article
Swiggers, Pierre 1988 Grammatical categories and human conceptualization: Aristotle and the modistaeTopics in Cognitive Linguistics, Rudzka-Ostyn, Brygida (ed.), pp. 621–646 | Article
Swiggers, Pierre et Karel van den Eynde 1987 La Morphologie Du Verbe FrancaisITL - International Journal of Applied Linguistics 77/78, pp. 151–251 | Article
Swiggers, Pierre 1986 Louis Théophile Lefort (1879–1959)Historiographia Linguistica 13:1, pp. 131–135 | Obituary
Mertens, F.J. et Pierre Swiggers 1983 LA Grammaire générate et raisonnée De Port-Royal: Notes bibliographiquesHistoriographia Linguistica 10:3, pp. 357–362 | Miscellaneous
Swiggers, Pierre 1982 ‘Portraits of Linguists’ Anno 1927Historiographia Linguistica 9:1/2, pp. 175–178 | Miscellaneous
Swiggers, Pierre 1982 Frege on Reference in QuotationLingvisticæ Investigationes 6:1, pp. 201–204 | Discussion

Pierre Swiggers: Frege on reference in quotation. A discussion about the correct interpretation of an "enigmatic" statement made by Frege.

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SAMENVATTING Westerse geschiedenissen van de taalkunde: aanvullende bibliografie Zoals aangestipt in mijn overzicht van het recente onderzoek over de geschiedenis van de taalkunde (Swiggers 1980), heeft de geschiedschrijving van de linguïstiek een zeer lange voorgeschiedenis. Een interessante ken… read more
Swiggers, Pierre 1980 Durand on Port-RoyalStudies in Language 4:1, pp. 125–130 | Miscellaneous
Swiggers, Pierre 1979 L'Encyclopedie Et La Linguistique: Au XVIIIe SiecleLingvisticæ Investigationes 3:2, pp. 383–396 | Discussion
Swiggers, Pierre 1979 Joannes Theodorus Beelen (1807–84)Historiographia Linguistica 6:1, pp. 125–128 | Miscellaneous