Charles L. Briggs

List of John Benjamins publications for which Charles L. Briggs plays a role.


Conflict and violence in pragmatic research

Edited by Charles L. Briggs

Special issue of Pragmatics 7:4 (1997) ca. 125 pp.
Subjects Discourse studies | Pragmatics
Briggs, Charles L. 2022 InterviewHandbook of Pragmatics: Manual, Verschueren, Jef and Jan-Ola Östman (eds.), pp. 1675–1681 | Chapter
Briggs, Charles L. 2009 InterviewCulture and Language Use, Senft, Gunter, Jan-Ola Östman and Jef Verschueren (eds.), pp. 202–209 | Article
Briggs, Charles L. 1995 InterviewHandbook of Pragmatics: Manual, Verschueren, Jef, Jan-Ola Östman and Jan Blommaert † (eds.), pp. 601–606 | Article
Abstract A number of scholars have recently followed Bakhtin's lead in recognizing the analytic importance of discourse that contains more than one genre. This article discusses the opening lines of an address by a civil rights activist, the Reverend Benjamin F. Chavis, Jr., to an audience that… read more
Briggs, Charles L. 1992 Linguistic ideologies And the naturalization of power in warao discourseLanguage ideologies, Schieffelin, Bambi B., Paul V. Kroskrity and Kathryn A. Woolard (eds.), pp. 387–404 | Article