Paul Bouissac

List of John Benjamins publications for which Paul Bouissac plays a role.


Subjects Discourse studies | Pragmatics | Sociolinguistics and Dialectology

Gesture, ritual and memory

Edited by Paul Bouissac

Special issue of Gesture 6:2 (2006) vi, 123 pp.
Subjects Cognitive psychology | Communication Studies | Signed languages
Bouissac, Paul 2019 IntroductionThe Social Dynamics of Pronominal Systems: A comparative approach, Bouissac, Paul (ed.), pp. 1–15 | Introduction
The morphology and grammatical functions of French personal pronouns are first introduced with reference to their Latin origin in the context of the Indo-European language family. Considering that the forms of personal pronouns are necessarily grounded in the preliterate emergence of language and… read more
Bouissac, Paul 2008 The study of metaphor and gesture: A critique from the perspective of semioticsMetaphor and Gesture, Cienki, Alan and Cornelia Müller (eds.), pp. 277–282 | Article
Bouissac, Paul 2007 Putting grammaticalization to the iconicity test: A cognitivist perspectiveInsistent Images, Tabakowska, Elżbieta, Christina Ljungberg and Olga Fischer (eds.), pp. 17–35 | Article
This chapter questions the premises of the theory of grammaticalization which claims that “abstract” grammatical morphemes derive from “concrete” lexical items through a process of phonetic and semantic attrition. This theory generally assumes that language is grounded in iconicity. Thus,… read more
Bouissac, Paul 2006 Introduction: Gesture, ritual and memoryGesture, ritual and memory, Bouissac, Paul (ed.), pp. 171–176 | Article
Bouissac, Paul 2006 Gesture in evolutionary perspectiveGesture, ritual and memory, Bouissac, Paul (ed.), pp. 189–204 | Article
Gesture is mostly a function of the upper limbs of Homo sapiens and is constrained by the skeleton and neuromuscular apparatus which have evolved under the selection pressures of arboreal environments. This article raises the issue of the early adaptations which determined the range of movements… read more
Bouissac, Paul 2005 Iconicity or iconization? Probing the dynamic interface between language and perceptionOutside-In — Inside-Out, Maeder, Costantino, Olga Fischer and William J. Herlofsky (eds.), pp. 15–37 | Article