Gerardo Fernández-Salgueiro

List of John Benjamins publications for which Gerardo Fernández-Salgueiro plays a role.


Lin, Wei-ling Eileen, Chun-yin Doris Chen and Gerardo Fernández-Salgueiro 2020 Are donkey sentences and bare conditionals family or friends? Evidence from L1 ChineseConcentric 46:1, pp. 66–94 | Article
The present study investigates children’s first language acquisition of donkey sentences and bare conditionals in Mandarin Chinese, both of which are concerned with quantification. Kindergarteners, Grade 2 and Grade 4 were recruited for experimental groups, each group consisting of 18 subjects,… read more
Fernández-Salgueiro, Gerardo 2008 The Case-F valuation parameter in RomanceThe Limits of Syntactic Variation, Biberauer, Theresa (ed.), pp. 295–310 | Article
In this paper I propose that the operation of Agree (Chomsky 2000, 2001) isparameterized with respect to the valuation of Case features. I build here on theideas put forward in Fernández-Salgueiro (2005), where I argued that Agreehas to be modified in certain respects in order to generate… read more
Fernández-Salgueiro, Gerardo and Michael R. Marlo 2006 He himself and binding domains in a minimalist frameworkMinimalist Essays, Boeckx, Cedric (ed.), pp. 221–231 | Article